Source code for

import argparse

from import primerfile_parser

[docs]def add_qnorm_tool(parser): qnorm_parser = parser.add_parser( 'qnorm', prog='lib5c qnorm', help='quantile normalization', parents=[primerfile_parser] ) qnorm_parser.add_argument( '-A', '--average', action='store_true', help='''Pass this flag to set all tied entries to the average value across the tied ranks. The default is to set all tied entries to the value of the lowest rank.''') qnorm_parser.add_argument( '-R', '--regional', action='store_true', help='''Pass this flag to apply quantile normalization to each region separately.''') qnorm_parser.add_argument( '-c', '--condition_on', type=str, help='''Specify a locus property to perform quantile normalization conditioning on that property. Only works with -R/--regional.''') qnorm_parser.add_argument( '-r', '--reference', type=str, help='''Specify a countsfile or a replicate name to use as a reference distribution.''') qnorm_parser.add_argument( 'outfile_pattern', type=str, help='''Pattern to use to name output files. %%s will be replaced with the replicate name, as guessed from the input files.''') qnorm_parser.add_argument( 'countsfiles', type=str, nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help='''Countsfiles to quantile normalize.''') qnorm_parser.set_defaults(func=qnorm_tool)
[docs]def qnorm_tool(parser, args): import glob from import resolve_primerfile, infer_replicate_names from lib5c.algorithms.qnorm import qnorm_counts_superdict from lib5c.parsers.primers import load_primermap from lib5c.parsers.counts import load_counts from lib5c.writers.counts import write_counts # resolve primerfile primerfile = resolve_primerfile(args.countsfiles, args.primerfile) # expand infiles expanded_infiles = [] for infile in args.countsfiles: expanded_infiles.extend(glob.glob(infile.strip('\'"'))) # load counts print('loading counts') primermap = load_primermap(primerfile) counts_superdict = {infile: load_counts(infile, primermap) for infile in expanded_infiles} # resolve tie resolved_tie = 'average' if args.average else 'lowest' # resolve reference if args.reference is None: resolved_reference = None else: if args.reference not in counts_superdict: # maybe it's a partial replicate name partial_match = False for infile in counts_superdict: if args.reference in infile: resolved_reference = infile partial_match = True break if not partial_match: # no partial match, try to load it as a new countsfile counts_superdict[args.reference] = load_counts(args.reference, primermap) resolved_reference = args.reference else: resolved_reference = args.reference # quantile normalize print('quantile normalizing') qnormed_counts_superdict = qnorm_counts_superdict( counts_superdict, primermap, tie=resolved_tie, regional=args.regional, condition_on=args.condition_on, reference=resolved_reference ) # write counts print('writing counts') replicate_names = infer_replicate_names( expanded_infiles, pattern=args.countsfiles[0] if len(args.countsfiles) == 1 and '*' in args.countsfiles[0] else None) outfiles = {expanded_infiles[i]: args.outfile_pattern.replace(r'%s', replicate_names[i]) for i in range(len(expanded_infiles))} for infile in expanded_infiles: write_counts(qnormed_counts_superdict[infile], outfiles[infile], primermap)