
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project attempts to adhere to Semantic Versioning.

0.6.1 2020-05-16


  • A license (MIT).


  • Reduced the usage of shortcut imports to improve compatibility with clctools, see clctools#4.


0.6.0 - 2020-03-11

This version finally brings Python 3 support to lib5c!

Currently all tests and all tutorials pass under both Python 2.7 and Python 3.6, but it’s possible that a few bugs exist in areas with low test coverage.


  • Experimental Python 3 support, see #54.

  • New functionality for getting data for the tutorials in lib5c.util.demo_data, see #75.

  • New utility function for loading config files using ConfigParser: lib5c.util.config.parse_config().


  • numpy arrays containing strings are now always created with a “U” dtype.


  • You can now pass a (positions, labels) tuple to the xticks and yticks kwargs of a function decorated with @plotter, see #25.

  • When running in Python 3 environments where ConfigParser is not available, the default pipeline config will have all its “%” symbols escaped when it is dropped to disk, see #73.

  • Y-axis gene tracks now appear correctly on trans heatmaps, see #69.

  • Two-way thresholding now works even when there is only one region, see #71.

  • Quoting paths with wildcards when passing them to lib5c commands no longer prevents glob expansion in Windows, see #76.


  • Bumped minimum matplotlib dependency, see #59.

  • Minor documentation improvements, see #63, #64, and 18a7f6.

  • Changed testing/linting to use tox. tox now serves as a centralized place to control maintenance-related actions like running the tutorials, building Docker images, testing the doc build, etc.

  • Since tox doesn’t support shell redirection/expansion, we moved the Docker one-liners into a new utility script in the project root which is called by the new docker testenv (tox -e docker).

  • Overhauled doc build process. We now use sphinxcontrib-apidoc to automatically run sphinx-apidoc on every doc build, avoiding the need to commit the per-module apidoc-generated .rst files to git. We also use the readthedocs config file to configure the doc build on readthedocs. Both the local (tox -e docs) and readthedocs builds are now configured to exit when they encounter a warning.

  • Reduced the fragility of many doctest cases that relied on the ordering of dictionary keys.

  • Streamlined Docker image build so that building the wheel beforehand is no longer necessary, see #67. This also fixes #68.

  • We now use setuptools-scm to manage version information instead of versioneer. We repurposed the existing lib5c._version module to provide setuptools-scm specific functionality.

  • Added dependency on configparser to make config file parsing more consistent across Python versions.

  • Relaxed maximum version constraint on python-daemon, since luigi seems to be handling this now.

  • Replaced references to pandas’s deprecated get_matrix() bound method with the now-recommended values property.

  • Thanks to #75 and #76, tutorials have been updated to use lib5c.util.demo_data and now run on Windows (tox -e tutorials). Tutorials now run on Python 3.6.

0.5.5 - 2020-02-04


  • Enabled extrapolation in lib5c.util.lowess.lowess_fit(), see #60.


  • Enforce maximum supported version of statsmodels since they are no longer building Python 2 wheels.

0.5.4 - 2019-06-07

First wave of major heatmap plotting upgrades plus streamlining of the release process via Bitbucket Pipelines.


  • A changelog, see #47.


  • ExtendableHeatmap ChIP-seq track and gene track plotting are now faster thanks to the use of PolyCollection and LineCollection, see #28.



  • Updated flake8 configuration (to match previous behavior when using latest version of flake8).

  • Simplified .gitignore.

  • Tests are now performed by Bitbucket Pipelines on every push.

  • Reworked documentation to use Read the Docs.

  • Moved tutorials to new tutorials/ directory under project root.

  • Tutorials are now built and published as an independent step in Bitbucket Pipelines, separate from the documentation build process.

  • Deployment to PyPI and Docker Hub is now performed on tag push by Bitbucket Pipelines.

0.5.3 - 2018-10-15

First official release, corresponds to what was used in the final version of this paper.