Source code for lib5c.plotters.extendable.ruler_extendable_heatmap

Module for the RulerExtendableHeatmap class, which adds ruler track plotting
functionality for the extendable heatmap system.

import numpy as np

from lib5c.plotters.extendable.base_extendable_heatmap import \

[docs]class RulerExtendableHeatmap(BaseExtendableHeatmap): """ ExtendableHeatmap mixin class providing ruler track plotting functionality. """
[docs] def add_rulers(self, size='5%', pad=0.0, axis_limits=(1, 0), ruler_tick_height=0.3, ruler_text_baseline=0.5, no_ticks=False, fontsize=7, no_tick_precision=2): """ Adds a ruler track to both the bottom and left side of the heatmap by calling ``add_ruler()`` twice. Parameters ---------- size : str The size of the new axis as a percentage of the main heatmap width. Should be passed as a string ending in '%'. pad : float The padding to use between the existing parts of the figure and the newly added axis. axis_limits : tuple of float Axis limits for the non-genomic axis of the ruler track. ruler_tick_height : float The height of the ruler ticks. ruler_text_baseline : float Controls how far away from the top of the new axis the text elements (chromosome name and region size) will be drawn. no_ticks : bool Pass True to skip plotting ruler ticks, and instead write the start and end coordinate of the plotted region in units of megabase pairs. fontsize : float The font size to use for adding labels to the ruler axis. no_tick_precision : int When ``no_ticks`` is True, round the start and end coordinates of the plotted region to this many digits after the decimal. Returns ------- list of pyplot axes The newly added gene ruler axes. """ ax_h = self.add_ruler(loc='bottom', size=size, pad=pad, new_ax_name='h_ruler', axis_limits=axis_limits, ruler_tick_height=ruler_tick_height, ruler_text_baseline=ruler_text_baseline, no_ticks=no_ticks, fontsize=fontsize, no_tick_precision=no_tick_precision) ax_v = self.add_ruler(loc='left', size=size, pad=pad, new_ax_name='v_ruler', axis_limits=axis_limits, ruler_tick_height=ruler_tick_height, ruler_text_baseline=ruler_text_baseline, no_ticks=no_ticks, fontsize=fontsize, no_tick_precision=no_tick_precision) return [ax_h, ax_v]
[docs] def add_ruler(self, loc='bottom', size='5%', pad=0.0, new_ax_name='ruler', axis_limits=(1, 0), ruler_tick_height=0.3, ruler_text_baseline=0.5, no_ticks=False, fontsize=7, no_tick_precision=2): """ Adds one ruler track along either the x- or y-axis of the heatmap. Parameters ---------- loc : {'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'} Which side of the heatmap to add the new ruler track to. size : str The size of the new axis as a percentage of the main heatmap width. Should be passed as a string ending in '%'. pad : float The padding to use between the existing parts of the figure and the newly added axis. new_ax_name : str The name for the newly created axis. axis_limits : tuple of float Axis limits for the non-genomic axis of the ruler track. ruler_tick_height : float The height of the ruler ticks. ruler_text_baseline : float Controls how far away from the top of the new axis the text elements (chromosome name and region size) will be drawn. no_ticks : bool Pass True to skip plotting ruler ticks, and instead write the start and end coordinate of the plotted region in units of megabase pairs. fontsize : float The font size to use for adding labels to the ruler axis. no_tick_precision : int When ``no_ticks`` is True, round the start and end coordinates of the plotted region to this many digits after the decimal. Returns ------- pyplot axis The newly added ruler track axis. """ # create new axis ax = self.add_margin_ax(loc=loc, size=size, pad=pad, new_ax_name=new_ax_name, axis_limits=axis_limits) # deduce orientation, either h or v, and save the correct grange if loc in ['bottom', 'top']: orientation = 'horizontal' grange = self.grange_x else: orientation = 'vertical' grange = self.grange_y # compute tick positions tick_positions = np.linspace(grange['start'], grange['end'], 5) # compute track_width, assuming horizontal orientation track_width = grange['end'] - grange['start'] if not no_ticks: # plot ticks and labels for i in range(1, 4): # ticks tick_coords = [(tick_positions[i], tick_positions[i]), (0, ruler_tick_height)] if orientation == 'vertical': tick_coords.reverse() ax.plot(*tick_coords, c='k', lw=1.25) # labels label_coords = [tick_positions[i], ruler_text_baseline] ha = 'center' va = 'top' rotation = 0 if orientation == 'vertical': label_coords.reverse() ha = 'right' va = 'center' rotation = 270 ax.text(label_coords[0], label_coords[1], str(int(tick_positions[i])), fontsize=fontsize, ha=ha, va=va, rotation=rotation) # write chromosome chrom_coords = [grange['start'] + track_width / 80, ruler_text_baseline] ha = 'left' va = 'top' rotation = 0 if orientation == 'vertical': chrom_coords.reverse() ha = 'right' rotation = 270 if no_ticks: MB_SCALE = 1e6 # to divide start and end by. Float so get decimals chrom_str = '{chrom}:{startMb:.{prec}f}-{endMb:.{prec}f}Mb' chrom_str = chrom_str.format(chrom=grange['chrom'], startMb=grange['start']/MB_SCALE, endMb=grange['end']/MB_SCALE, prec=no_tick_precision) else: chrom_str = '{chrom}'.format(chrom=grange['chrom']) ax.text(chrom_coords[0], chrom_coords[1], chrom_str, fontsize=fontsize, ha=ha, va=va, rotation=rotation) # write window width width_coords = [grange['end'] - track_width / 80, ruler_text_baseline] ha = 'right' va = 'top' rotation = 0 if orientation == 'vertical': width_coords.reverse() va = 'bottom' rotation = 270 ax.text(width_coords[0], width_coords[1], '%ikb' % (track_width // 1000), fontsize=fontsize, ha=ha, va=va, rotation=rotation) return ax