Source code for lib5c.plotters.extendable.legend_extendable_heatmap

Module for the LegendExtendableHeatmap class, which adds functionality for
adding a legend to the extendable heatmap system.

from lib5c.plotters.extendable.base_extendable_heatmap import \

import matplotlib as mpl

[docs]class LegendExtendableHeatmap(BaseExtendableHeatmap): """ ExtendableHeatmap mixin class providing functionality for adding a legend. """
[docs] def add_legend(self, colors, **kwargs): """ Adds a legend to the ExtendableHeatmap. Parameters ---------- colors : dict The entries to add to the legend. Keys should be string labels to use in the legend, and values should be matplotlib colors. kwargs : kwargs Will be passed through to ``ax.legend()``. Returns ------- matplotlib.legend.Legend The newly created Legend. """ legend_kwargs = { 'loc': 'upper right', 'bbox_to_anchor': (-0.1, -0.1), 'borderaxespad': 0., 'fontsize': 5 } legend_kwargs.update(kwargs) patches = [mpl.patches.Patch(color=colors[label], label=label) for label in sorted(colors.keys())] return self['root'].legend(handles=patches, **legend_kwargs)