Source code for lib5c.algorithms.filtering.fragment_fragment_filtering

Module for smoothing fragment-level 5C interaction matrices.

import numpy as np

from lib5c.algorithms.filtering.util import filter_selector
from lib5c.util.bed import get_midpoint
from lib5c.util.parallelization import parallelize_regions

[docs]def find_nearby_fragments(index, regional_primermap, threshold, midpoint=False): """ Finds the fragments near a target fragment as specified by an index. Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the bin to look near. regional_primermap : List[Dict[str, Any]] The list of fragments in this region. threshold : int The threshold for deciding if a fragment is "nearby" or not, as a distance in base pairs. midpoint : bool Pass True to restore legacy behavior when distances to fragments were based on their midpoints. The new behavior (with this kwarg set to False) is to compute distances to fragments based on their closest endpoint. Returns ------- List[Dict[str, int]] A list of nearby fragments, where each nearby bin is represented as a dict of the following form:: { 'index': int, 'distance': int } where 'index' is the index of the fragment within the region and 'distance' is the distance between this fragment and the target fragment. """ # define distance if midpoint: def left_distance(coord, frag): return coord - get_midpoint(frag) def right_distance(coord, frag): return get_midpoint(frag) - coord else: def left_distance(coord, frag): return coord - frag['end'] def right_distance(coord, frag): return frag['start'] - coord # establish key fragment key_fragment = regional_primermap[index] # establish coordinates coordinate = get_midpoint(key_fragment) # list of indices that are nearby nearby_fragments = [{'index': index, 'distance': 0}] # step left, starting from the original index i = index distance = 0 while distance < threshold: i -= 1 if i < 0: break distance = left_distance(coordinate, regional_primermap[i]) nearby_fragments.append({'index': i, 'distance': distance}) # step right i = index distance = 0 while distance < threshold: i += 1 if i >= len(regional_primermap): break distance = right_distance(coordinate, regional_primermap[i]) nearby_fragments.append({'index': i, 'distance': distance}) return nearby_fragments
[docs]@parallelize_regions def fragment_fragment_filter(array, filter_function, regional_primermap, threshold, filter_kwargs=None, midpoint=False): """ Convenience function for filtering a fragment-level matrix to a fragment-level matrix. Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray The matrix to filter. filter_function : Callable[[List[Dict[str, Any]]], float] The filter function to use when filtering. This function should take in a "neighborhood" and return the filtered value given that neighborhood. A neighborhood is represented as a list of "nearby points" where each nearby point is represented as a dict of the following form:: { 'value': float, 'x_dist': int, 'y_dist': int } where 'value' is the value at the point and 'x_dist' and 'y_dist' are its distances from the center of the neighborhood along the x- and y-axis, respectively, in base pairs. See ``lib5c.algorithms.filtering.filter_functions`` for examples of filter functions and how they can be created. regional_primermap : List[Dict[str, Any]] The list of fragments in this region. threshold : int The threshold for defining the size of the neighborhood passed to the filter function, in base pairs. filter_kwargs : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] Kwargs to be passed to the ``filter_function``. midpoint : bool Pass True to restore legacy behavior when distances to fragments were based on their midpoints. The new behavior (with this kwarg set to False) is to compute distances to fragments based on their closest endpoint. Returns ------- np.ndarray The filtered matrix. """ # resolve function_kwargs if filter_kwargs is None: filter_kwargs = {} output = np.array(array) nearby_fragments = [find_nearby_fragments(i, regional_primermap, threshold, midpoint=midpoint) for i in range(len(output))] for i in range(len(output)): for j in range(i + 1): value = filter_function(filter_selector( array, nearby_fragments[i], nearby_fragments[j]), **filter_kwargs) output[i, j] = value output[j, i] = value return output
[docs]def fragment_fragment_filter_counts(counts, function, primermap, threshold, function_kwargs=None, midpoint=False): """ Non-parallel wrapper for ``fragment_fragment_filter()``. Deprecated now that ``fragment_fragment_filter()`` is decorated with ``@parallelize_regions``. Parameters ---------- counts : Dict[str, np.ndarray] The counts dict to filter. function : Callable[[List[Dict[str, Any]]], float] The filter function to use for filtering. See the description of the ``filter_function`` arg in ``fragment_fragment_filter()``. primermap : Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] The primermap describing the fragments for ``counts``. threshold : int The threshold for defining the size of the neighborhood passed to the filter function, in base pairs. function_kwargs : Optional[Dict[str, Any]] Kwargs to be passed to the ``function``. midpoint : bool Pass True to restore legacy behavior when distances to fragments were based on their midpoints. The new behavior (with this kwarg set to False) is to compute distances to fragments based on their closest endpoint. Returns ------- Dict[str, np.ndarray] The dict of filtered counts. """ return {region: fragment_fragment_filter( counts[region], function, primermap[region], threshold, filter_kwargs=function_kwargs, midpoint=midpoint) for region in counts.keys()}