Source code for lib5c.algorithms.clustering.knn

Module for assembling clusters using an unassisted k-nearest neighbors

from copy import deepcopy

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import KDTree

from lib5c.algorithms.clustering.util import get_vector

[docs]def make_clusters(peaks, k=8, dist_score=5, dist_k=8, dir_score=0.3, dir_k=8): """ Performs k-nearest neighbors clustering of peaks. Parameters ---------- k : int The number of nearest neighbors to consider when clustering. dist_score : float The distance-score threshold to use when clustering. dist_k : int The number of nearest neighbors to consider when calculating the distance score. dir_score : float The direction-score threshold to use when clustering. dir_k : int The number of nearest neighbors to consider when calculating the direction score. Returns ------- list of clusters, list of peaks, list of peaks A tuple whose first element is the list of merged clusters, whose second element is the list of peaks that did not pass the distance score threshold, and whose third element is the list of peaks that did not pass the direction score threshold. """ # dict to store cluster information # (-1 = no cluster, otherwise the value equals the cluster index) peak_to_clusters = {(peak['x'], peak['y']): -1 for peak in peaks} # list of clusters clusters = [] # list to store singleton peaks # (those that fail to pass the distance score threshold) singleton_peaks = [] # list to store line peaks # (those that fail to pass the direction score threshold) line_peaks = [] peak_list = [(peak['x'], peak['y']) for peak in peaks] peak_tree = KDTree(peak_list) peak_info = {(peak['x'], peak['y']): peak for peak in peaks} ranked_peaks = [(peak['x'], peak['y']) for peak in sorted(peaks, key=lambda x: x['value'], reverse=True)] for ranked_peak in ranked_peaks: distances, indices = peak_tree.query(ranked_peak, dist_k+1) distance_neighbors = [dict(peak_info[peak_list[indices[i]]], **{'distance': distances[i]}) for i in range(1, min(dist_k+1, len(peak_list)))] if distance_score(distance_neighbors) < dist_score: if dist_k == dir_k: direction_neighbors = distance_neighbors else: distances, indices = peak_tree.query(ranked_peak, dir_k+1) direction_neighbors = [dict(peak_info[peak_list[indices[i]]], **{'distance': distances[i]}) for i in range(1, min(dir_k + 1, len(peak_list)))] if direction_score(peak_info[ranked_peak], direction_neighbors) >= dir_score: if k == dir_k: knn_neighbors = direction_neighbors elif k == dist_k: knn_neighbors = distance_neighbors else: distances, indices = peak_tree.query(ranked_peak, k+1) knn_neighbors = [dict(peak_info[peak_list[indices[i]]], **{'distance': distances[i]}) for i in range(1, min(k + 1, len(peak_list)))] classify_peak(peak_info[ranked_peak], knn_neighbors, clusters, peak_to_clusters, weighted=True) else: line_peaks.append(peak_info[ranked_peak]) else: singleton_peaks.append(peak_info[ranked_peak]) return clusters, singleton_peaks, line_peaks
[docs]def get_knn(peak, peaks, k): """ Given a list of peaks and a query peak, returns the k nearest neighbors of the query peak. Parameters ---------- peak : peak The query peak to for which nearest neighbors should be identified. peaks : list of peaks The peaks that are candidates to be nearest neighbors. k : int Returns ------- list of peaks The k nearest neighbors of the query peak among peaks. If fewer than k peaks were provided, the length of this list will be shorter than k. Notes ----- peak may be present in peaks, but it will not be returned as a neighbor. """ # list of neighbors neighbors = [] for prospective_neighbor in peaks: temp = deepcopy(prospective_neighbor) difference_vector = get_vector(peak) - get_vector(temp) distance = np.linalg.norm(difference_vector) if distance > 0.5: temp['distance'] = distance temp['direction'] = difference_vector / distance neighbors.append(temp) # rank the prospective neighbors by distance neighbors.sort(key=lambda x: x['distance'], reverse=False) # return the closest k prospective neighbors return neighbors[0:k]
[docs]def distance_score(neighbors): """ Calculates a distance-score for a peak given its neighbors. Parameters ---------- neighbors : list of peaks The query peak's neighbors. Returns ------- float The distance-score. Notes ----- Lower distance-scores are better. """ score = 0 for neighbor in neighbors: score += neighbor['distance'] return score / len(neighbors)
[docs]def direction_score(peak, neighbors): """ Calculates a direction-score for a peak given its neighbors. Parameters ---------- peak : peak The query peak. neighbors : list of peaks The query peak's neighbors. Returns ------- float The direction-score. Notes ----- Higher direction-scores are better. """ x_sums = 0.0 y_sums = 0.0 for neighbor in neighbors: difference_vector = get_vector(peak) - get_vector(neighbor) distance = neighbor['distance'] direction = difference_vector / distance x_sums += abs(direction[0]) y_sums += abs(direction[1]) hypotenuse = np.linalg.norm([x_sums, y_sums]) return min(x_sums/hypotenuse, y_sums/hypotenuse)
[docs]def classify_peak(peak, neighbors, clusters, peak_to_clusters, automove=True, weighted=False): """ Assigns the most fitting cluster to a peak given a list of its neighbors. Parameters ---------- peak : peak The peak to classify. neighbors : list of peaks The peaks that should determine the query peak's classification. clusters : list of clusters A list of clusters to classify the query peak into. peak_to_clusters : dict of (int, int) tuples The keys are (x, y) tuples that represent peak locations. The values are the indices of the cluster for that peak. If the value is -1, it indicates that the peak does not belong to any cluster. automove : bool If True, the peak will automatically be moved to the appropriate cluster, or a new cluster will be appended to clusters. If False, the index of the appropriate target cluster will be returned. If there is no appropriate target cluster, -1 will be returned. weighted : bool If True, weigh the votes using peak weight and distance. If False, treat the votes from each peak as equal. Returns ------- int (sometimes) The index of the appropriate target cluster. This function has no return value unless automove is False. Notes ----- This function uses a simple unweighted voting heuristic to determine which existing cluster in clusters the query peak should be classified into. If no suitable existing cluster is found, a new cluster is created containing only the query peak. This cluster is then appended to clusters. Pass the kwarg weighted=True to use a weighted voting heuristic. """ # catch the case where there are no clusters to categorize into yet if len(clusters) == 0: clusters.append([peak]) return # if we're using the weighted heuristic, we will need these values mean_value = 0 mean_distance = 0 if weighted: mean_value = sum([neighbor['value'] for neighbor in neighbors]) / len(neighbors) mean_distance = sum([neighbor['distance'] for neighbor in neighbors]) / len(neighbors) # vote votes = np.zeros(len(clusters)) for neighbor in neighbors: index = peak_to_clusters[(neighbor['x'], neighbor['y'])] if index > -1: if not weighted: votes[index] += 1 else: votes[index] += (neighbor['value'] / mean_value) * \ (mean_distance / neighbor['distance']) # check the results of the voting # if no one voted, this is a new cluster if np.amax(votes) == 0: if not automove: return -1 clusters.append([peak]) peak_to_clusters[(peak['x'], peak['y'])] = len(clusters) - 1 else: if not automove: return np.argmax(votes) clusters[np.argmax(votes)].append(peak) peak_to_clusters[(peak['x'], peak['y'])] = np.argmax(votes)