Source code for lib5c.writers.bedgraph

Module for writing bedgraph files.

from lib5c.util.system import check_outdir

[docs]def write_bedgraph(peaks, outfile, name='', desc=''): """ Writes a set of peaks to a bedgraph file. Parameters ---------- peaks : dict of lists of dicts The peaks that should be written. The keys are chromosome names. The values are lists of features for that chromosome. The features are represented as dicts with at least the following keys:: { 'chrom': str 'start': int, 'end' : int, 'value': number } outfile : str String reference to the file to write to. name : str String to write in the name field of the header line. desc : str String to write in the description field of the header line. """ check_outdir(outfile) with open(outfile, 'wb') as handle: # write header line handle.write('track type=bedGraph name="%s" description="%s"\n' % (name, desc)) # write remaining lines for chrom in peaks: for peak in peaks[chrom]: handle.write('%s\t%i\t%i\t%g\n' % (chrom, peak['start'], peak['end'], peak['value']))
# test client
[docs]def main(): from lib5c.util.bedgraph import reduce_bedgraph from lib5c.parsers.primers import get_pixelmap pixelmap = get_pixelmap('test/bins.bed') peaks = reduce_bedgraph('test/bedgraph.bed', pixelmap) write_bedgraph(peaks, 'test/reduced_bedgraph.bed')
if __name__ == "__main__": main()