Source code for lib5c.util.ast_eval

Module for safely evaluating arithmetic expressions in strings.

import ast
import operator as op

# supported operators
operators = {ast.Add: op.add, ast.Sub: op.sub, ast.Mult: op.mul,
             ast.Div: op.truediv, ast.Pow: op.pow, ast.BitXor: op.xor,
             ast.USub: op.neg}

[docs]def eval_expr(expr, variables=None): """ Safely evaluates a simple mathematical expression passed as a string. Parameters ---------- expr : str The expression to evaluate. variables : dict, optional Dict mapping variable names to values. These variables can then be used as substrings of ``expr``. Pass None to evaluate the expression without using any named variables. Returns ------- numeric The result of evaluating the expression. Examples -------- >>> eval_expr('2^6') 4 >>> eval_expr('2**6') 64 >>> eval_expr('1 + 2*3**(4^5) / (6 + -7)') -5.0 """ if variables is None: variables = {} return eval_(ast.parse(expr, mode='eval').body, variables)
[docs]def eval_(node, variables): """ Inner function for safely evaluating a particular node of an abstract syntax tree. Called recursively to evaluate a string as part of ``eval_expr()``. Parameters ---------- node : ast.AST The node of the abstract syntax tree to evaluate. variables : dict Dictionary of named variables to use during evaluation. Returns ------- numeric The result of evaluating the node. """ if isinstance(node, ast.Num): # <number> return node.n elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): # <left> <operator> <right> return operators[type(node.op)](eval_(node.left, variables), eval_(node.right, variables)) elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): # <operator> <operand> e.g., -1 return operators[type(node.op)](eval_(node.operand, variables)) elif isinstance(node, ast.Name): return variables[] else: raise TypeError(node)