Source code for

from import simple_in_out_parser, parallelization_parser, \
    region_parser, primerfile_parser

[docs]def add_boxplot_tool(parser): boxplot_parser = parser.add_parser( 'boxplot', prog='lib5c plot boxplot', help='plot boxplot of counts at each locus', parents=[primerfile_parser, simple_in_out_parser, region_parser, parallelization_parser] ) boxplot_parser.add_argument( '-S', '--sorted', action='store_true', help='''Sort the loci by median.''') boxplot_parser.add_argument( '-L', '--logged', action='store_true', help='''Log counts before drawing the boxplots.''') boxplot_parser.add_argument( '-y', '--y_limits', type=str, help='''Set the y-limits of the boxplots manually by passing a string of the form '(min, max)'.''') boxplot_parser.add_argument( '-c', '--color', type=str, default='darkgray', help='''Set the color of the boxes. The default is 'darkgray'.''') boxplot_parser.add_argument( '-m', '--median_color', type=str, default='firebrick', help='''Set the color of the medians. The default is 'firebrick'.''') boxplot_parser.add_argument( '-w', '--median_linewidth', type=float, default=5.0, help='''Set the thickness of the medians. The default is 5.0''') boxplot_parser.add_argument( '-d', '--dpi', type=int, default=300, help='''Specify the DPI at which to draw the figure. The default is 300.''') boxplot_parser.add_argument( '-s', '--scaling_factor', type=float, default=0.05, help='''Specify a scaling factor to use to automatically determine the figure size. The default is 0.05''') boxplot_parser.add_argument( '-f', '--figure_size', type=str, help='''Specify the size of the figure in inches as a string literal of the form '(width, height)'.''') boxplot_parser.set_defaults(func=boxplot_tool)
[docs]def boxplot_tool(parser, args): from import resolve_primerfile, resolve_parallel from lib5c.parsers.primers import load_primermap from lib5c.parsers.counts import load_counts from lib5c.plotters.boxplots import plot_regional_locus_boxplot # resolve parallel and primerfile resolve_parallel(parser, args, subcommand='plot boxplot') primerfile = resolve_primerfile(args.infile, args.primerfile) # load counts print('loading counts') primermap = load_primermap(primerfile) counts = load_counts(args.infile, primermap) print('preparing to plot') # resolve region if args.region is not None: counts = counts[args.region] # resolve outfile if args.region: resolved_outfile = args.outfile else: resolved_outfile = {region: args.outfile.replace(r'%r', region) for region in counts.keys()} # resolve figure_size figsize = list(map(float, args.figure_size.strip('()').split(','))) \ if args.figure_size else None # resolve y_limits ylim = list(map(float, args.y_limits.strip('()').split(','))) \ if args.y_limits else None # plot boxplot print('plotting') plot_regional_locus_boxplot( counts, color=args.color, median_color=args.median_color, median_linewidth=args.median_linewidth, logged=args.logged, sort=args.sorted, figsize=figsize, scaling_factor=args.scaling_factor, ylim=ylim, dpi=args.dpi, outfile=resolved_outfile)