Source code for lib5c.plotters.variance

Module for plotting mean-variance relationships.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

from lib5c.util.counts import flatten_obs_and_exp, flatten_obs_and_exp_counts
from lib5c.util.grouping import group_obs_by_exp
from lib5c.util.plotting import plotter
from lib5c.util.parallelization import parallelize_regions
from lib5c.plotters.scatter import scatter as plot_scatter

[docs]@plotter def plot_mvr(exp, var, obs=None, num_groups=100, group_fractional_tolerance=0.1, exclude_offdiagonals=5, log=False, logx=False, logy=False, vst=False, scatter=False, hexbin=False, trim_limits=False, xlim=None, ylim=None, **kwargs): """ Plots a scatterplot of exp vs var. Optionally, pass obs to instead scatterplot exp vs freshly re-estimated group variances, and overlay exp vs var as a smooth curve. Parameters ---------- exp : np.ndarray or dict of np.ndarray Regional matrix of expected values. Pass a counts dict to combine all regions together. var : np.ndarray or dict of np.ndarray Regional matrix of variances. Pass a counts dict to combine all regions together. obs : np.ndarray or dict of np.ndarray, optional Regional matrix of observed values. Pass a counts dict to combine all regions together. num_groups : int The number of groups to re-esimtate group variances for. group_fractional_tolerance : float The width of each group, specified as a fractional tolerance in the expected value. exclude_offdiagonals : int Exclude this many off-diagonals from the variance re-estimation. Pass 0 to exclude only the exact diagonal. Pass -1 to exclude nothing. log : bool Pass True to log both exp and var. logx, logy : bool Pass True to draw the x- and/or y-axis on a log-scale. vst : bool Pass True to log only the exp (e.g., when var is already stabilized). scatter : bool Pass True to force plotting exp vs var as a scatterplot when obs is not passed. By default it will be a line plot. hexbin : bool Pass True when ``scatter=True`` to replace the scatterplot with a hexbin plot. trim_limits : bool If `obs` is passed, pass True to trim the x- and y-limits to the range of the group expected and variance values. kwargs : kwargs Typical plotter kwargs. Returns ------- pyplot axis The axis plotted on. """ # prepare data for plotting exp, var, sort_idx, raw_exps, raw_vars = prepare_exp_var_for_plotting( exp, var, obs=obs, num_groups=num_groups, group_fractional_tolerance=group_fractional_tolerance, exclude_offdiagonals=exclude_offdiagonals, log=log, vst=vst) # plot if obs is None: if scatter: plot_scatter(exp, var, logx=logx, logy=logy, hexbin=hexbin, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) else: plt.plot(exp[sort_idx], var[sort_idx], color='r') else: plt.scatter(raw_exps, raw_vars, color='b') plt.plot(exp[sort_idx], var[sort_idx], color='r') if trim_limits: plt.xlim(np.min(raw_exps), np.max(raw_exps)) plt.ylim(np.min(raw_vars), np.max(raw_vars)) if logx: plt.gca().set_xscale('log') if logy: plt.gca().set_yscale('log')
plot_mvr_parallel = parallelize_regions(plot_mvr)
[docs]@plotter def plot_overlay_mvr(exp, var, obs=None, num_groups=100, group_fractional_tolerance=0.1, exclude_offdiagonals=5, log=False, logx=False, logy=False, vst=False, scatter=False, scatter_colors=None, line_colors=None, legend='outside', **kwargs): """ Plots a comparison of mean-variance relationships across regions. Parameters ---------- exp : dict of np.ndarray Counts dict of expected values. var : dict of np.ndarray Counts dict of variance values. obs : dict of np.ndarray, optional Counts dict of observed values. num_groups : int The number of groups to re-esimtate group variances for. group_fractional_tolerance : float The width of each group, specified as a fractional tolerance in the expected value. exclude_offdiagonals : int Exclude this many off-diagonals from the variance re-estimation. Pass 0 to exclude only the exact diagonal. Pass -1 to exclude nothing. log : bool Pass True to log both exp and var. logx, logy : bool Pass True to draw the x- and/or y-axis on a log-scale. vst : bool Pass True to log only the exp (e.g., when var is already stabilized). scatter : bool Pass True to force plotting exp vs var as a scatterplot when obs is not passed. By default it will be a line plot. scatter_colors, line_colors : str or dict of str, optional Mapping from region names to the color to use for that region. Pass None to use randomly assigned colors. Pass a single string to use the same color for all regions. kwargs : kwargs Typical plotter kwargs. Returns ------- pyplot axis The axis plotted on. """ # prepare data for plotting exp, var, sort_idx, raw_exps, raw_vars = \ prepare_exp_var_for_plotting_parallel( exp, var, obs=obs, num_groups=num_groups, group_fractional_tolerance=group_fractional_tolerance, exclude_offdiagonals=exclude_offdiagonals, log=log, vst=vst) # resolve colors regions = sorted(exp.keys()) palette = sns.color_palette('husl', len(regions)) default_colors = {regions[i]: palette[i] for i in range(len(regions))} if scatter_colors is None: scatter_colors = default_colors elif type(scatter_colors) == str: scatter_colors = {region: scatter_colors for region in regions} if line_colors is None: line_colors = default_colors elif type(line_colors) == str: line_colors = {region: line_colors for region in regions} # plot if obs is None: if scatter: for region in regions: plt.scatter(exp[region], var[region], color=scatter_colors[region], label=region) else: for region in regions: plt.plot(exp[region][sort_idx[region]], var[region][sort_idx[region]], color=line_colors[region], label=region) else: for region in regions: plt.scatter(raw_exps[region], raw_vars[region], color=scatter_colors[region], label='%s data' % region) for region in regions: plt.plot(exp[region][sort_idx[region]], var[region][sort_idx[region]], color=line_colors[region], label='%s mvr' % region) if logx: plt.gca().set_xscale('log') if logy: plt.gca().set_yscale('log')
[docs]def prepare_exp_var_for_plotting(exp, var, obs=None, num_groups=100, group_fractional_tolerance=0.1, exclude_offdiagonals=5, log=False, vst=False): """ Prepares expected value and variance data for plotting. Parameters ---------- exp : np.ndarray or dict of np.ndarray Regional matrix of expected values. Pass a counts dict to combine all regions together. var : np.ndarray or dict of np.ndarray Regional matrix of variances. Pass a counts dict to combine all regions together. obs : np.ndarray or dict of np.ndarray, optional Regional matrix of observed values. Pass a counts dict to combine all regions together. num_groups : int The number of groups to re-esimtate group variances for. group_fractional_tolerance : float The width of each group, specified as a fractional tolerance in the expected value. exclude_offdiagonals : int Exclude this many off-diagonals from the variance re-estimation. Pass 0 to exclude only the exact diagonal. Pass -1 to exclude nothing. log : bool Pass True to log both exp and var. vst : bool Pass True to log only the exp (e.g., when var is already stabilized). Returns ------- tuple of np.ndarray The first and second elements are parallel arrays of the exp, var pairs. The third element is a sort index into the exp, var pairs. The fourth and fifth elements are None if obs was not passed. If obs was passed, they are parallel arrays of raw obs, raw var pairs. """ # prepare raw exp, var pairs if obs was passed if obs is not None: raw_exps, groups = group_obs_by_exp( obs, exp, num_groups=num_groups, group_fractional_tolerance=group_fractional_tolerance, exclude_offdiagonals=exclude_offdiagonals) if vst: raw_exps = np.log(raw_exps + 1) raw_vars = np.array([np.nanvar(np.log(group + 1)) for group in groups]) else: raw_vars = np.array([np.nanvar(group) for group in groups]) if log: raw_exps = np.log(raw_exps + 1) raw_vars = np.log(raw_vars + 1) else: raw_exps = None raw_vars = None # prepare exp, var pairs if type(exp) == dict: exp, var = flatten_obs_and_exp_counts(exp, var, log=log) else: exp, var = flatten_obs_and_exp(exp, var, log=log) if vst: exp = np.log(exp + 1) # compute sort index for exp/var pairs sort_idx = np.argsort(exp) return exp, var, sort_idx, raw_exps, raw_vars
prepare_exp_var_for_plotting_parallel = parallelize_regions( prepare_exp_var_for_plotting)