Source code for lib5c.parsers.bed

Module for parsing .bed files.

from lib5c.util.bed import count_intersections

[docs]def load_features(bedfile, id_index=None, value_index=None, boundaries=None, strict=True): """ Loads the features from a .bed file into dicts and returns them. Parameters ---------- bedfile : str String reference to location of .bed file to load features from. id_index : int If passed, indicates the column index of the id field. value_index : int If passed, indicates the column index of the value field. boundaries : list of dicts If passed, features will only be loaded if they intersect at least one of the features in this list. The features should be represented as dicts with the following structure:: { 'chrom': str, 'start': int, 'end' : int } strict : boolean If True, there must not be any incomplete lines in the bedfile. Returns ------- dict of lists of dicts The keys are chromosome names. The values are lists of features for that chromosome. The features are represented as dicts with the following structure:: { 'chrom': str, 'start': int, 'end' : int, 'id' : str or None, 'value': float or None } The 'id' and 'value' fields may be None if no feature ID's were provided in the BED file, but the keys will always be present in the returned dict. Notes ----- The parser will attempt to guess the column indices of the id and value fields based on the number of columns and the types of the column entries. """ # dict to store features features = {} # parse bedfile with open(bedfile, 'r') as handle: for line in handle: # skip comments and track line if line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('track'): continue # split line pieces = line.strip().split('\t') if len(pieces) < 3 and not strict: continue # skip incomplete lines when strict=False # parse chromosome chromosome = pieces[0] # add chromosome to dict if this is a new one if chromosome not in features: features[chromosome] = [] # parse feature information start = int(pieces[1]) end = int(pieces[2]) feature_id = None value = None # user-specified column schema if id_index is not None: feature_id = pieces[id_index] if value_index is not None: value = float(pieces[value_index]) # intelligent column schema guessing if not id_index and not value_index: if len(pieces) >= 4: try: value = float(pieces[3]) except ValueError: feature_id = pieces[3] if len(pieces) >= 5: try: value = float(pieces[4]) except ValueError: feature_id = pieces[4] # dict to represent this feature peak_dict = {'chrom': chromosome, 'start': start, 'end' : end} # add id and value if parsed if feature_id is not None: peak_dict['id'] = feature_id if value is not None: peak_dict['value'] = value # parse strand information if present if len(pieces) >= 6: peak_dict['strand'] = pieces[5] # add this feature to the list if (boundaries is None) or \ (count_intersections(peak_dict, boundaries) > 0): features[chromosome].append(peak_dict) return features
# test client
[docs]def main(): peaks = load_features('test/peaks.bed', id_index=3, value_index=4)['chr1'] print(len(peaks)) print(peaks[0]) peaks = load_features('test/peaks.bed')['chr1'] print(len(peaks)) print(peaks[0]) peaks = load_features('test/reduced_bedgraph.bed', value_index=3)['chr4'] print(len(peaks)) print(peaks[0]) peaks = load_features('test/reduced_bedgraph.bed')['chr4'] print(len(peaks)) print(peaks[0])
if __name__ == "__main__": main()