Source code for lib5c.core.loci

from functools import total_ordering
from copy import copy

from lib5c.core.mixins import Picklable, Loggable, Annotatable
from lib5c.parsers.primers import load_primermap
from lib5c.util.primers import natural_sort_key

[docs]@total_ordering class Locus(Picklable, Annotatable): """ Basically anything with a chromosome, start, and end. Can also include arbitrary metadata. Attributes ---------- chrom : str The chromosome on which this locus resides (e.g., ``'chr4'``). start : int The start coordinate for the zero-indexed, half-open interval occupied by the locus. end : int The end coordinate for the zero-indexed, half-open interval occupied by the locus. data : dict(str -> any) Arbitrary additional data about the locus. This attribute is filled in with any kwargs passed to the constructor. Notes ----- Locus objects support comparison and ordering via the ``total_ordering`` decorator. See this class's implementations of ``__eq__()`` and ``__lt__()`` for more details. Locus objects support the Annotatable mixin, which is the source of their ``data`` attribute and all its related functions. """ def __init__(self, chrom, start, end, **kwargs): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- chrom : str The chromosome on which this locus resides (e.g., ``'chr4'``). start : int The start coordinate for the zero-indexed, half-open interval occupied by the locus. end : int The end coordinate for the zero-indexed, half-open interval occupied by the locus. kwargs : other keyword arguments Any additional kwargs will be stored in the new instance's ``data`` attribute. """ Annotatable.__init__(self) self.chrom = chrom self.start = start self.end = end = kwargs def __str__(self): """ Gets a pretty string representation of this Locus. Returns ------- str String representation of this Locus. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus >>> locus = Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, strand='+') >>> print(locus) Locus chr3:34109023-34113109 strand: + """ str_repr = 'Locus %s:%i-%i' % (self.chrom, self.start, self.end) str_repr += Annotatable.__str__(self) return str_repr def __eq__(self, other): """ Implementation of equality comparison for Locus objects. Locus objects are considered equal if they occupy precisely the same coordinates on the genome. The values in ``data`` are not considered when checking for equality. Parameters ---------- other : Locus The other Locus object to compare this one to. Returns ------- bool True if the two Locus objects are equivalent, False otherwise. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus >>> locus_a = Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, counts=10) >>> locus_b = Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, counts=20) >>> locus_c = Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, counts=10) >>> locus_d = Locus('chrX', 34109023, 34113109, counts=10) >>> locus_a == locus_b # only chrom, start, and end matter True >>> locus_a == locus_c # start and end coordinates are different False >>> locus_a == locus_d # chromosome is different False """ return (self.chrom == other.chrom and self.start == other.start and self.end == other.end) def __ne__(self, other): """ Inequality comparison for Locus objects. Parameters ---------- other : Locus The other Locus object to compare this one to. Returns ------- bool False if the two Locus objects are equivalent, True otherwise. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus >>> locus_a = Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, counts=10) >>> locus_b = Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, counts=20) >>> locus_c = Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, counts=10) >>> locus_d = Locus('chrX', 34109023, 34113109, counts=10) >>> locus_a != locus_b # only chrom, start, and end matter False >>> locus_a != locus_c # start and end coordinates are different True >>> locus_a != locus_d # chromosome is different True """ return not (self == other) def __lt__(self, other): """ Implementation of inequality comparison for Locus objects. Locus objects are compared by alphanumeric sort order of ``chrom``, then start coordinate, then end coordinate. Values in ``data`` are ignored. Parameters ---------- other : Locus The other Locus object to compare this one to. Returns ------- bool True if this Locus object sorts ahead of ``other``, False otherwise. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus >>> locus_a = Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109) >>> locus_b = Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141) >>> locus_c = Locus('chrX', 34109023, 34113109) >>> locus_a < locus_b # same chrom but a starts first True >>> locus_a < locus_c # different chrom, '3' comes before 'X' True """ return ((natural_sort_key(self.chrom), self.start, self.end) < (natural_sort_key(other.chrom), other.start, other.end)) def __hash__(self): """ Overrides the ``__hash__()`` function for Locus objects. The hash for a Locus object is computed only over its ``chrom``, ``start``, and ``end`` attributes, so as to guarantee that two Locus objects that are equal under the ``__eq__()`` function implementation hash to the same value. Returns ------- int The hash for this Locus object. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus >>> locus_a = Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, counts=10) >>> locus_b = Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, counts=5) >>> locus_c = Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, counts=10) >>> hash(locus_a) == hash(locus_b) True >>> hash(locus_a) == hash(locus_c) False """ return hash((self.chrom, self.start, self.end))
[docs] def as_dict(self): r""" Gets a dict representation of the Locus. Returns ------- dict This dict is guaranteed to have at least the following keys:: { 'chrom': str, 'start': int, 'end': int } Other keys may be present if included in the ``data`` attribute. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus >>> locus = Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, strand='+') >>> locus.as_dict() == \ ... {'chrom': 'chr3', ... 'start': 34109023, ... 'end': 34113109, ... 'strand': '+'} True """ dict_repr = dict_repr['chrom'] = self.chrom dict_repr['start'] = self.start dict_repr['end'] = self.end return dict_repr
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Gets the name of the locus, if present. Returns ------- str or None The value of ``data['name']`` if it exists; None otherwise. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus >>> locus = Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, name='5C_329_Sox2_FOR_2') >>> locus.get_name() '5C_329_Sox2_FOR_2' """ return self.get_value('name')
[docs] def get_region(self): """ Gets the region of the locus, if present. Returns ------- str or None The value of ``data['region']`` if it exists; None otherwise. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus >>> locus = Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, region='Sox2') >>> locus.get_region() 'Sox2' """ return self.get_value('region')
[docs] def get_strand(self): """ Gets the strand of the locus, if present. Returns ------- '+' or '-' or None The value of ``data['strand']`` if it exists; None otherwise. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus >>> locus = Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, strand='+') >>> locus.get_strand() '+' """ return self.get_value('strand')
[docs]class LocusMap(Picklable, Annotatable, Loggable): """ Representation of an organized group of Locus objects. Attributes ---------- locus_list : list of Locus objects Ordered list of unique Locus objects in the LocusMap. regions : list of str Ordered list of region names, as strings, present in the LocusMap. This list is filled in only when the Locus objects within the LocusMap have a ``'region'`` key in their ``data`` attribute. name_dict : dict(str -> Locus) Dict mapping Locus names as strings to the Locus object with that name. This dict is filled in only when the Locus objects within the LocusMap have a ``'name'`` key in their ``data`` attribute. region_index_dict : dict(str -> list of Locus objects) Maps a region name and an index within the region to a Locus object within the specified region. This means that, for example, :: locus_map.region_index_dict['Sox2'][3] resolves to the Locus object that is the 4th Locus object of the Sox2 region in the LocusMap instance called ``locus_map``. hash_to_index_dict : dict(int -> int) Maps a Locus object's hash to its index within ``locus_list``. name_to_index_dict : dict(str -> int) Dict mapping Locus names as strings to their index within the LocusMap. This dict is filled in only when the Locus objects within the LocusMap have a ``'name'`` key in their ``data`` attribute. Notes ----- Locus objects in a LocusMap are ordered by the total ordering implemented by the Locus class. See that class's implementation of ``__eq__()`` and ``__lt__()`` for more details. LocusMap objects support the Loggable and Annotatable mixins. See the Examples section for an example. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import LocusMap >>> locus_map = LocusMap.from_primerfile('test/primers.bed') >>> locus_map.size() 1551 >>> locus_map.print_log() LocusMap created source primerfile: test/primers.bed >>> locus_map.set_value('test key', 'test value') >>> locus_map.get_value('test key') 'test value' """ def __init__(self, locus_list): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- locus_list : list of Locus objects Ordered list of Locus objects in the LocusMap. """ self.locus_list = sorted(locus_list) if len(self.locus_list) != len(set(self.locus_list)): raise ValueError('Locus objects in LocusMap must be unique') self.regions = [] for locus in self.locus_list: if locus.get_region() and locus.get_region() not in self.regions: self.regions.append(locus.get_region()) self.name_dict = {locus.get_name(): locus for locus in self.locus_list} self.region_index_dict = {region: [locus for locus in self.locus_list if locus.get_region() == region] for region in self.regions} self.name_to_index_dict = {self.locus_list[i].get_name(): i for i in range(len(self.locus_list))} self.hash_to_index_dict = {hash(self.locus_list[i]): i for i in range(len(self.locus_list))} Loggable.__init__(self) Annotatable.__init__(self) self.log_event('LocusMap created')
[docs] @classmethod def from_primerfile(cls, primerfile): """ Factory method that creates a LocusMap object from a BED file containing primer information. Parameters ---------- primerfile : str String reference to the primer file. Returns ------- LocusMap LocusMap object parsed from the primer file. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import LocusMap >>> locus_map = LocusMap.from_primerfile('test/primers.bed') >>> locus_map.size() 1551 >>> locus_map.print_log() LocusMap created source primerfile: test/primers.bed """ parsed_dict = load_primermap(primerfile) regions = list(parsed_dict.keys()) locus_list = [Locus(**parsed_dict[region][index]) for region in regions for index in range(len(parsed_dict[region]))] instance = cls(locus_list) instance.log_event('source primerfile: %s' % primerfile) return instance
[docs] @classmethod def from_binfile(cls, binfile): """ Factory method that creates a LocusMap object from a BED file containing bin information. Parameters ---------- binfile : str String reference to the bin file. Returns ------- LocusMap LocusMap object parsed from the bin file. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import LocusMap >>> locus_map = LocusMap.from_binfile('test/bins_new.bed') >>> locus_map.size() 1807 >>> locus_map.print_log() LocusMap created source binfile: test/bins_new.bed """ parsed_dict = load_primermap(binfile) regions = list(parsed_dict.keys()) locus_list = [Locus(parsed_dict[region][index]['chrom'], parsed_dict[region][index]['start'], parsed_dict[region][index]['end'], **{key: parsed_dict[region][index][key] for key in parsed_dict[region][index] if key not in ['chrom', 'start', 'end']}) for region in regions for index in range(len(parsed_dict[region]))] instance = cls(locus_list) instance.log_event('source binfile: %s' % binfile) return instance
[docs] @classmethod def from_list_of_dict(cls, list_of_dict): """ Factory method that creates a LocusMap object from a list of dicts that represent the Loci that the LocusMap should be composed of. Parameters ---------- list_of_dict : list of dict A list of dicts, with each dict representing a Locus that should be created and put into the LocusMap. Returns ------- LocusMap A LocusMap whose Locus objects are equivalent to the dicts passed in ``list_of_dict`` Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import LocusMap >>> list_of_dict = [{'chrom': 'chr3', ... 'start': 34109023, ... 'end': 34113109, ... 'name': 'Sox2_FOR_2'}, ... {'chrom': 'chr3', ... 'start': 34113147, ... 'end': 34116141, ... 'name': 'Sox2_REV_4'}] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap.from_list_of_dict(list_of_dict) >>> locus_map.print_log() LocusMap created created from list of dict >>> for locus in locus_map: ... print(locus) ... Locus chr3:34109023-34113109 name: Sox2_FOR_2 Locus chr3:34113147-34116141 name: Sox2_REV_4 >>> list_of_dict_dup = [{'chrom': 'chr3', ... 'start': 34109023, ... 'end': 34113109, ... 'name': 'Sox2_FOR_2'}, ... {'chrom': 'chr3', ... 'start': 34113147, ... 'end': 34116141, ... 'name': 'Sox2_REV_4'}, ... {'chrom': 'chr3', ... 'start': 34113147, ... 'end': 34116141, ... 'name': 'duplicate Locus!'}] ... >>> locus_map_dup = LocusMap.from_list_of_dict(list_of_dict_dup) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Locus objects in LocusMap must be unique """ locus_list = [Locus(list_of_dict[index]['chrom'], list_of_dict[index]['start'], list_of_dict[index]['end'], **{key: list_of_dict[index][key] for key in list_of_dict[index] if key not in ['chrom', 'start', 'end']}) for index in range(len(list_of_dict))] instance = cls(locus_list) instance.log_event('created from list of dict') return instance
[docs] @classmethod def from_list(cls, list_of_locusmaps): r""" Factory method that creates a new LocusMap object from a list of existing LocusMap objects by concatenation. Parameters ---------- list_of_locusmaps : list of LocusMap A list of LocusMap objects to be concatenated. Returns ------- LocusMap The concatenated LocusMap. Notes ----- This function should be slightly more efficient than iterative addition. Therefore, it is preferred to use :: summed_locus_map = LocusMap.from_list(list_of_locus_maps) over :: summed_locus_map = sum(list_of_locus_maps, LocusMap([])) as evidenced by :: > python -mtimeit ` -s'from lib5c.core.loci import LocusMap' ` -s'lm = LocusMap.from_primerfile(\"test/primers.bed\")' ` -s'lm_list = [lm.extract_region(r) for r in lm.regions]' ` 's = LocusMap.from_list(lm_list)' 10 loops, best of 3: 48.2 msec per loop versus :: > python -mtimeit ` -s'from lib5c.core.loci import LocusMap' ` -s'lm = LocusMap.from_primerfile(\"test/primers.bed\")' ` -s'lm_list = [lm.extract_region(r) for r in lm.regions]' ` 's = sum(lm_list, LocusMap([]))' 10 loops, best of 3: 174 msec per loop Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import LocusMap >>> locus_map = LocusMap.from_primerfile('test/primers.bed') >>> sox2_locus_map = locus_map.extract_region('Sox2') >>> sox2_locus_map.size() 265 >>> sox2_locus_map.get_regions() ['Sox2'] >>> klf4_locus_map = locus_map.extract_region('Klf4') >>> klf4_locus_map.size() 251 >>> klf4_locus_map.get_regions() ['Klf4'] >>> summed_locus_map = LocusMap.from_list([sox2_locus_map, ... klf4_locus_map]) ... >>> summed_locus_map.print_log() LocusMap created created from list >>> summed_locus_map.size() 516 >>> summed_locus_map.get_regions() ['Sox2', 'Klf4'] >>> builtin_sum_result = sum([sox2_locus_map, klf4_locus_map], ... LocusMap([])) ... >>> builtin_sum_result.size() 516 >>> builtin_sum_result.get_regions() ['Sox2', 'Klf4'] """ instance = cls([locus for locusmap in list_of_locusmaps for locus in locusmap]) instance.log_event('created from list') for existing_locusmap in list_of_locusmaps: return instance
def __str__(self): """ Gets a pretty string representation of this LocusMap. Returns ------- str String representation of this LocusMap. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import LocusMap >>> locus_map = LocusMap.from_primerfile('test/primers.bed') >>> locus_map.set_value('primerset', '314_ES-NPC') >>> print(locus_map) LocusMap comprising 1551 loci Range: chr3:34107373-34109023 to chr17:36526480-36528893 Regions: ['Sox2', 'Nestin', 'Klf4', 'gene-desert', 'Nanog-V2', 'Olig1-Olig2', 'Oct4'] primerset: 314_ES-NPC >>> empty_locus_map = LocusMap([]) >>> print(empty_locus_map) Empty LocusMap """ if self.size(): string_repr = 'LocusMap comprising %i loci' \ '\n\tRange: %s:%i-%i to %s:%i-%i' %\ (self.size(), self[0].chrom, self[0].start, self[0].end, self[-1].chrom, self[-1].start, self[-1].end) if self.get_regions(): string_repr += '\n\tRegions: %s' % self.get_regions() if string_repr += Annotatable.__str__(self) else: string_repr = 'Empty LocusMap' return string_repr def __iter__(self): """ Iterator for LocusMap. Yields ------ Locus The next Locus object in the LocusMap. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141)] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> for locus in locus_map: ... print(locus) ... Locus chr3:34109023-34113109 Locus chr3:34113147-34116141 >>> locus_list_rev = [Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141), ... Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109)] ... >>> locus_map_rev = LocusMap(locus_list_rev) >>> for locus in locus_map_rev: ... print(locus) # still prints in order of genomic coordinate ... Locus chr3:34109023-34113109 Locus chr3:34113147-34116141 """ index = 0 while index < len(self.locus_list): yield self.locus_list[index] index += 1 def __getitem__(self, item): """ Provides shortcuts to access selected Locus objects of this LocusMap. Parameters ---------- item : int or str or slice Pass a Locus name as a string to get the Locus with that name. Pass an int to get the Locus object at that index. Pass a slice to get a new LocusMap representing the subset of Locus objects with the specified indices. Returns ------- Locus or LocusMap The desired Locus if ``item`` is an int or str. The desired LocusMap if ``item`` is a slice. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [ ... Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, name='Sox2_FOR_2'), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, name='Sox2_REV_4'), ... Locus('chr3', 87282063, 87285636, name='Nestin_REV_9'), ... Locus('chr3', 87285637, 87295935, name='Nestin_FOR_10') ... ] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> print(locus_map[1]) Locus chr3:34113147-34116141 name: Sox2_REV_4 >>> print(locus_map['Sox2_REV_4']) Locus chr3:34113147-34116141 name: Sox2_REV_4 >>> sliced_map = locus_map[1:3] >>> for locus in sliced_map: ... print(locus) ... Locus chr3:34113147-34116141 name: Sox2_REV_4 Locus chr3:87282063-87285636 name: Nestin_REV_9 """ if type(item) == int: return self.locus_list[item] elif type(item) == str: return self.by_name(item) elif type(item) == slice: return self.extract_slice(item) def __add__(self, other): """ Defines the addition of two LocusMap objects by concatenation. Parameters ---------- other : LocusMap The other LocusMap to add this one to. Returns ------- LocusMap The concatenation of both LocusMap objects. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import LocusMap >>> locus_map = LocusMap.from_primerfile('test/primers.bed') >>> sox2_locus_map = locus_map.extract_region('Sox2') >>> sox2_locus_map.size() 265 >>> sox2_locus_map.get_regions() ['Sox2'] >>> klf4_locus_map = locus_map.extract_region('Klf4') >>> klf4_locus_map.size() 251 >>> klf4_locus_map.get_regions() ['Klf4'] >>> added_locus_map = sox2_locus_map + klf4_locus_map >>> added_locus_map.print_log() LocusMap created created from addition >>> added_locus_map.size() 516 >>> added_locus_map.get_regions() ['Sox2', 'Klf4'] """ instance = LocusMap(self.locus_list + other.locus_list) instance.log_event('created from addition') return instance
[docs] def delete(self, index): """ Creates a new LocusMap object that excludes the Locus at a specified index. Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the Locus to exclude. Returns ------- LocusMap The new LocusMap. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [ ... Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, name='Sox2_FOR_2'), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, name='Sox2_REV_4'), ... Locus('chr3', 87282063, 87285636, name='Nestin_REV_9'), ... Locus('chr3', 87285637, 87295935, name='Nestin_FOR_10') ... ] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> deleted_locus_map = locus_map.delete(2) >>> deleted_locus_map.print_log() LocusMap created deleted locus at index 2 with name Nestin_REV_9 >>> for locus in deleted_locus_map: ... print(locus) Locus chr3:34109023-34113109 name: Sox2_FOR_2 Locus chr3:34113147-34116141 name: Sox2_REV_4 Locus chr3:87285637-87295935 name: Nestin_FOR_10 """ instance = LocusMap([self.locus_list[i] for i in range(self.size()) if i != index]) = instance.log = copy(self.log) deleted_name = self.locus_list[index].get_name() if deleted_name is not None: instance.log_event('deleted locus at index %i with name %s' % (index, deleted_name)) else: instance.log_event('deleted locus at index %i' % index) return instance
[docs] def size(self): """ Get the number of Locus objects in the LocusMap. Returns ------- int The number of Locus objects in the LocusMap. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141)] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> locus_map.size() 2 """ return len(self.locus_list)
[docs] def by_name(self, name): """ Get the Locus object contained in this LocusMap with a specified name. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the Locus to get. Returns ------- Locus The Locus object with the specified name. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, name='Sox2_FOR_2'), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, name='Sox2_REV_4')] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> print(locus_map.by_name('Sox2_REV_4')) Locus chr3:34113147-34116141 name: Sox2_REV_4 """ if name in self.name_dict: return self.name_dict[name] else: raise ValueError('primer with name %s does not exist' % name)
[docs] def get_index_by_hash(self, hash_value): """ Get the Locus object contained in this LocusMap with a specified hash. Parameters ---------- hash_value : int The hash of the Locus object to find. Returns ------- int or None The index of the desired Locus object within ``locus_list`` if it exists within this LocusMap object, or None if it doesn't. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141)] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> locus_hash = hash(Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141)) >>> locus_map.get_index_by_hash(locus_hash) 1 >>> locus_map.get_index_by_hash(123) is None True """ if hash_value in self.hash_to_index_dict: return self.hash_to_index_dict[hash_value] else: return None
[docs] def by_index(self, index): """ Get the Locus object contained in this LocusMap with a specified index. Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the Locus to get. Returns ------- Locus The Locus object with the specified index. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, name='Sox2_FOR_2'), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, name='Sox2_REV_4')] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> print(locus_map.by_index(1)) Locus chr3:34113147-34116141 name: Sox2_REV_4 """ if index < 0: raise ValueError('index must be nonnegative') if index >= len(self.locus_list): raise ValueError('index %s larger than number of primers' % index) return self.locus_list[index]
[docs] def by_region_index(self, region, index): """ Get the Locus object contained in this LocusMap with a specified index within a specified region. In other words, the ``index`` th Locus of the region with name ``region``. Parameters ---------- region : str The name of the region to look for the Locus in. index : int The index of the desired Locus within the specified region. Returns ------- Locus The specified Locus. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, region='Sox2'), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, region='Sox2'), ... Locus('chr3', 87282063, 87285636, region='Nestin'), ... Locus('chr3', 87285637, 87295935, region='Nestin')] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> print(locus_map.by_region_index('Nestin', 1)) Locus chr3:87285637-87295935 region: Nestin """ if region in self.region_index_dict: if index < 0: raise ValueError('index must be nonnegative') if index >= len(self.region_index_dict[region]): raise ValueError('index %s bigger than region size' % index) return self.region_index_dict[region][index] else: raise ValueError('region with name %s does not exist' % region)
[docs] def as_list_of_dict(self): r""" Gets a primitive representation of the LocusMap. Converts the ``locus_list`` attribute of this LocusMap from a list of Locus objects to a list of dicts representing those Locus objects. Returns ------- list of dict The primitive representation of the LocusMap. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, name='Sox2_FOR_2'), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, name='Sox2_REV_4')] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> locus_map.as_list_of_dict() == \ ... [{'chrom': 'chr3', 'start': 34109023, 'end': 34113109, ... 'name': 'Sox2_FOR_2'}, ... {'chrom': 'chr3', 'start': 34113147, 'end': 34116141, ... 'name': 'Sox2_REV_4'}] True """ return [locus.as_dict() for locus in self.locus_list]
[docs] def as_dict_of_list_of_dict(self): r""" Gets a primitive representation of the LocusMap, organized by region. Converts the ``locus_list`` attribute of this LocusMap from a list of Locus objects to dict whose keys are region names as strings and whose values are list of dicts representing the Locus objects in each region. Returns ------- dict(str -> list of dict) The primitive representation of the LocusMap. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, region='Sox2'), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, region='Sox2'), ... Locus('chr3', 87282063, 87285636, region='Nest'), ... Locus('chr3', 87285637, 87295935, region='Nest')] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> locus_map.as_dict_of_list_of_dict() == \ ... {'Sox2': [{'chrom': 'chr3', 'start': 34109023, 'end': 34113109, ... 'region': 'Sox2'}, ... {'chrom': 'chr3', 'start': 34113147, 'end': 34116141, ... 'region': 'Sox2'}], ... 'Nest': [{'chrom': 'chr3', 'start': 87282063, 'end': 87285636, ... 'region': 'Nest'}, ... {'chrom': 'chr3', 'start': 87285637, 'end': 87295935, ... 'region': 'Nest'}]} True """ return {region: [locus.as_dict() for locus in self.locus_list if locus.get_region() == region] for region in self.regions}
[docs] def get_regions(self): """ Gets the regions spanned by the Locus objects in this LocusMap. Returns ------- list of str The ordered list of region names. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, region='Sox2'), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, region='Sox2'), ... Locus('chr3', 87282063, 87285636, region='Nestin'), ... Locus('chr3', 87285637, 87295935, region='Nestin')] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> locus_map.get_regions() ['Sox2', 'Nestin'] """ return self.regions
[docs] def get_region_sizes(self): """ Gets information about the number of Locus objects in each region. Returns ------- dict(str -> int) A dict mapping region names as strings to the number of Locus objects in that region. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, region='Sox2'), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, region='Sox2'), ... Locus('chr3', 87282063, 87285636, region='Nestin')] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> locus_map.get_region_sizes() == {'Sox2': 2, 'Nestin': 1} True """ return {region: len(self.region_index_dict[region]) for region in self.regions}
[docs] def extract_region(self, region): """ Create a LocusMap representing the Locus objects in only one specified region of this LocusMap. Parameters ---------- region : str The name of the region to extract. Returns ------- LocusMap A new LocusMap restricted to the specified region. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, region='Sox2'), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, region='Sox2'), ... Locus('chr3', 87282063, 87285636, region='Nestin'), ... Locus('chr3', 87285637, 87295935, region='Nestin')] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> extracted_locus_map = locus_map.extract_region('Sox2') >>> extracted_locus_map.print_log() LocusMap created extracted region Sox2 >>> for locus in extracted_locus_map: ... print(locus) ... Locus chr3:34109023-34113109 region: Sox2 Locus chr3:34113147-34116141 region: Sox2 """ if region not in self.regions: raise ValueError('region with name %s does not exist' % region) instance = LocusMap(locus_list=self.region_index_dict[region]) instance.log = copy(self.log) = instance.log_event('extracted region %s' % region) return instance
[docs] def extract_slice(self, desired_slice): """ Gets a new LocusMap object representing a subset of the Locus objects in this LocusMap specified by a slice. Parameters ---------- desired_slice : slice The slice to use to subset this LocusMap. Returns ------- LocusMap The new LocusMap. Notes ----- Since LocusMap objects are sorted, the returned LocusMap will always be sorted, regardless of the slice direction. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [ ... Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, name='Sox2_FOR_2'), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, name='Sox2_REV_4'), ... Locus('chr3', 87282063, 87285636, name='Nestin_REV_9'), ... Locus('chr3', 87285637, 87295935, name='Nestin_FOR_10') ... ] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> sliced_map = locus_map[1:3] >>> sliced_map.print_log() LocusMap created sliced out slice(1, 3, None) >>> for locus in sliced_map: ... print(locus) ... Locus chr3:34113147-34116141 name: Sox2_REV_4 Locus chr3:87282063-87285636 name: Nestin_REV_9 """ instance = LocusMap(self.locus_list[desired_slice]) instance.log = copy(self.log) = instance.log_event('sliced out %s' % desired_slice) return instance
[docs] def get_index(self, name): """ Get the index of the Locus object in this LocusMap with a specified name. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the Locus to get the index for. Returns ------- int The index of the Locus object with the specified name. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> locus_list = [Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, name='Sox2_FOR_2'), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, name='Sox2_REV_4')] ... >>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list) >>> locus_map.get_index('Sox2_REV_4') 1 """ if name in self.name_to_index_dict: return self.name_to_index_dict[name] else: raise ValueError('primer with name %s does not exist' % name)
[docs] def to_bedfile(self, filename, fields=('name',)): """ Write this LocusMap to disk as a BED-formatted file. Parameters ---------- filename : str String reference to the file to write to. fields : list of str, optional Specify additional columns in the BED file after the traditional chromosome, start, end. Columns should be specified in order as strings corresponding to keys in the ``data`` attributes on the Locus objects that make up this LocusMap. Examples -------- >>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap >>> lm1 = LocusMap([ ... Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, name='5C_329_Sox2_FOR_2'), ... Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, name='5C_329_Sox2_REV_4') ... ]) ... >>> lm1.to_bedfile('test/core_test_locusmap.bed') >>> lm2 = LocusMap.from_primerfile('test/core_test_locusmap.bed') >>> for locus in lm2: ... print(locus) Locus chr3:34109023-34113109 name: 5C_329_Sox2_FOR_2 number: 2 orientation: 3' region: Sox2 strand: + Locus chr3:34113147-34116141 name: 5C_329_Sox2_REV_4 number: 4 orientation: 5' region: Sox2 strand: - """ with open(filename, 'w') as handle: for locus in self.locus_list: handle.write('%s\t%i\t%i' % (locus.chrom, locus.start, locus.end)) for field in fields: handle.write('\t%s' % locus.get_value(field)) handle.write('\n')