Source code for lib5c.contrib.iced.balancing

Module for interfacing with the external ``iced`` Python package, which provides
access to the ICED matrix balancing algorithm.

import numpy as np
    from iced.normalization import ICE_normalization
except ImportError:
    ICE_normalization = None

from lib5c.util.parallelization import parallelize_regions
from lib5c.util.counts import impute_values

[docs]@parallelize_regions def iced_balance_matrix(matrix, max_iter=3000, eps=1e-4, norm='l1', imputation_size=0): """ Convenience function wrapping the ``ICE_normalization`` function from the external ``iced`` Python package, which balances a counts matrix using the ICE algorithm. Parameters ---------- matrix : np.ndarray The counts matrix to balance. max_iter : int The maxiumum number of iterations to try. eps : float The relative size of error before declaring convergence. norm : {'l1', 'l2'} What norm to use as a distance measure. imputation_size : int Pass an int greater than 0 to replace NaN's in the matrix with a local median approximation. Pass 0 to skip imputation. Returns ------- Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] The first element of the tuple is the balanced matrix. The second element is the bias vector. """ imputed_matrix = impute_values(matrix, size=imputation_size) balanced, bias = ICE_normalization( imputed_matrix, max_iter=max_iter, eps=eps, norm=norm, output_bias=True) balanced[~np.isfinite(matrix)] = np.nan return balanced, bias