Source code for lib5c.algorithms.donut_filters

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import convolve

from lib5c.util.counts import propagate_nans
from lib5c.util.mathematics import zero_nans, symmetrize
from lib5c.util.donut import donut_footprint, lower_left_footprint

[docs]def apply_filter(obs_matrix, exp_matrix, footprint, max_percent=0.2, min_exp=0.1): """ Computes a corrected expected value by applying a footprint to observed and expected matrix. Parameters ---------- obs_matrix, exp_matrix : np.ndarray The square, symmetric matrices of observed and expected counts, respectively. footprint : np.ndarray The footprint to convolve. Should contain 1's at positions included in the footprint and 0's everywhere else. max_percent : float If the proportion of nan's in the footprint for a pixel is greater than this value, the corrected expected at that point will be set to nan. min_exp : float If the sum of entries in ``exp_matrix`` under the footprint for a particular pixel is less than this value, set the output at this pixel to nan to avoid numerical instability related to division by small numbers. Returns ------- np.ndarray The corrected expected value. """ # propagate nans obs, exp = propagate_nans(obs_matrix, exp_matrix) # record where the nans are nan = ~np.isfinite(obs).astype(int) # wipe nans obs = zero_nans(obs) exp = zero_nans(exp) # convolve, reversing the dimensions of the second "signal" to agree with # naive intuition nan_conv = convolve(nan, footprint[::-1, ::-1], mode='same') obs_conv = convolve(obs, footprint[::-1, ::-1], mode='same') exp_conv = convolve(exp, footprint[::-1, ::-1], mode='same') # compute corrected expected result = (obs_conv / exp_conv) * exp_matrix # convert min_percent to a number of nans and apply the threshold max_nan = np.sum(footprint) * max_percent result[nan_conv > max_nan] = np.nan # write back nans result[nan == 1] = np.nan # write nan over inf (sum of exp was 0) or possibly unstable values result[exp_conv < min_exp] = np.nan # symmetrize and return, assuming footprint is correct for upper triangle return symmetrize(result, source='upper')
[docs]def donut_filt(obs_matrix, exp_matrix, p, w, max_percent=0.2, min_exp=0.1): """ Computes the full donut filter. Parameters ---------- obs_matrix, exp_matrix : np.ndarray The square, symmetric matrices of observed and expected counts, respectively. p, w : int The inner and outer radii of the donut, respectively. max_percent : float If the proportion of nan's in the footprint for a pixel is greater than this value, the corrected expected at that point will be set to nan. min_exp : float If the sum of entries in ``exp_matrix`` under the footprint for a particular pixel is less than this value, set the output at this pixel to nan to avoid numerical instability related to division by small numbers. Returns ------- np.ndarray The corrected expected value. """ return apply_filter(obs_matrix, exp_matrix, donut_footprint(p, w), max_percent=max_percent, min_exp=min_exp)
[docs]def lower_left_filt(obs_matrix, exp_matrix, p, w, max_percent=0.2, min_exp=0.1): """ Computes the lower left donut filter. Parameters ---------- obs_matrix, exp_matrix : np.ndarray The square, symmetric matrices of observed and expected counts, respectively. p, w : int The inner and outer radii of the donut, respectively. max_percent : float If the proportion of nan's in the footprint for a pixel is greater than this value, the corrected expected at that point will be set to nan. min_exp : float If the sum of entries in ``exp_matrix`` under the footprint for a particular pixel is less than this value, set the output at this pixel to nan to avoid numerical instability related to division by small numbers. Returns ------- np.ndarray The corrected expected value. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from lib5c.algorithms.donut_filters import lower_left_filt >>> from lib5c.algorithms.expected import empirical_binned >>> from lib5c.algorithms.expected import make_expected_matrix_from_list >>> obs = np.array([[10, 4, 1], ... [ 4, 8, 6], ... [ 1, 6, 12]]).astype(float) >>> exp = make_expected_matrix_from_list( ... empirical_binned(obs, log_transform=False)) >>> exp array([[10., 5., 1.], [ 5., 10., 5.], [ 1., 5., 10.]]) >>> lower_left_filt(obs, exp, 0, 1, max_percent=0.0, min_exp=0.0) array([[ nan, 4. , 0.8], [ 4. , 10. , 6. ], [ 0.8, 6. , nan]]) """ return apply_filter(obs_matrix, exp_matrix, lower_left_footprint(p, w), max_percent=max_percent, min_exp=min_exp)