lib5c.util.distributions module

Module containing utility functions for parametrizing statistical distributions.

lib5c.util.distributions.call_pvalues(obs, exp, var, dist_gen, log=False)[source]

Call right-tail p-values for obs against a theoretical distribution whose family is specified by dist_gen an whose first two moments are specified by exp and var, respectively.

  • obs (float) – The observed value to call a p-value for.

  • var (exp,) – The first two moments of the null distribution.

  • dist_gen (scipy.stats.rv_generic or str) – The null distribution to parameterize. If a string is passed this will be replaced with getattr(scipy.stats, dist_gen).

  • log (bool) – Pass True to attempt to convert exp and var to log-scale.


The right-tail p-value.

Return type



This function is array-safe.

lib5c.util.distributions.convert_parameters(mu, sigma_2, dist_gen, log=False)[source]

Obtain correct scipy.stats parameterizations for selected one- and two- parameter distributions given a desired mean and variance.

  • mu (float) – The mean of the desired distribution.

  • sigma_2 (float) – The variance of the desired distribution.

  • dist_gen (scipy.stats.rv_generic) – The target distribution.

  • log (bool) – Pass True to attempt to convert exp and var to log-scale.


The appropriate scipy.stats parameters.

Return type

tuple of float

lib5c.util.distributions.freeze_distribution(dist_gen, mu, sigma_2, log=False)[source]

Create a frozen distribution of a given type, given a mean and variance.

  • dist_gen (scipy.stats.rv_generic) – The distribution to use.

  • mu (float) – The desired mean.

  • sigma_2 (float) – The desired variance.

  • log (bool) – Pass True to attempt to convert mu and sigma_2 to log-scale.


A frozen distribution of the specified type with specified mean and variance.

Return type



This function does not perform any fitting, because it assumes that the first two moments directly and uniquely identify the desired distribution.


>>> frozen_dist = freeze_distribution(stats.poisson, 4.0, 4.0)
>>> print('%s distribution with mean %.2f and variance %.2f'
...       % ((,) + frozen_dist.stats(moments='mv')))
poisson distribution with mean 4.00 and variance 4.00
>>> frozen_dist = freeze_distribution(stats.nbinom, 4.0, 3.0)
>>> print('%s distribution with mean %.2f and variance %.2f'
...       % ((,) + frozen_dist.stats(moments='mv')))
nbinom distribution with mean 4.00 and variance 4.00
>>> frozen_dist = freeze_distribution(stats.nbinom, 3.0, 4.0)
>>> print('%s distribution with mean %.2f and variance %.2f'
...       % ((,) + frozen_dist.stats(moments='mv')))
nbinom distribution with mean 3.00 and variance 4.00
>>> frozen_dist = freeze_distribution(stats.norm, 4.0, 3.0)
>>> print('%s distribution with mean %.2f and variance %.2f'
...       % ((,) + frozen_dist.stats(moments='mv')))
norm distribution with mean 4.00 and variance 3.00
>>> frozen_dist = freeze_distribution(stats.logistic, 4.0, 3.0)
>>> print('%s distribution with mean %.2f and variance %.2f'
...       % ((,) + frozen_dist.stats(moments='mv')))
logistic distribution with mean 4.00 and variance 3.00
>>> mu = 2  # mean of a normal random variable X
>>> sigma_2 = 16  # variance of X
>>> scale = np.exp(mu)  # parameter conversion for scipy.stats.lognorm
>>> s = np.sqrt(sigma_2)  # ditto
>>> y = stats.lognorm(s=s, scale=scale)  # a lognormal RV: exp(X) = Y
>>> m, v = y.stats(moments='mv')  # mean and variance of Y
>>> m, v
(array(22026.4657948...), array(4.31123106e+15))
>>> frozen_dist = freeze_distribution(stats.logistic, m, v, log=True)
>>> print('%s distribution with mean %.2f and variance %.2f'
...       % ((,) + frozen_dist.stats(moments='mv')))
logistic distribution with mean 2.00 and variance 16.00
lib5c.util.distributions.log_parameters(m, v)[source]

Attempts to guess appropriate log-scale mean and variance parameters given non-log scale estimators of these quantities, under the assumptions of a lognormal model.

Based on

  • m (float) – The non-log scale mean.

  • v (float) – The non-log scale variance.


The first float is the log-scale mean, the second is the log-scale variance.

Return type

float, float


This function is array-safe.


>>> mu = 2  # mean of a normal random variable X
>>> sigma_2 = 16  # variance of X
>>> scale = np.exp(mu)  # parameter conversion for scipy.stats.lognorm
>>> s = np.sqrt(sigma_2)  # ditto
>>> y = stats.lognorm(s=s, scale=scale)  # a lognormal RV: exp(X) = Y
>>> m, v = y.stats(moments='mv')  # mean and variance of Y
>>> m, v
(array(22026.4657948...), array(4.31123106e+15))
>>> log_parameters(m, v)  # recover moments of X from moments of Y
(2.0, 16.0)