lib5c.plotters.queried_counts_heatmap module

Module for plotting contact frequency heatmaps for fragment-level 5C data.

lib5c.plotters.queried_counts_heatmap.plot_queried_counts_heatmap(array, outfile, colorscale=(0, 0.98), colorbar=False, cmap=None)[source]

Plot a fragment-level contact frequency heatmap of only the interactions actually queried by the 5C assay.

  • array (np.ndarray) – The non-symmetric, non-square matrix of queried counts for this region.

  • outfile (str) – String reference to the file to write the heatmap to.

  • colorscale (Tuple[float]) – The min and the max of the colormap, as a tuple of the form (min, max).

  • colorbar (bool) – Pass True to include a colorbar on the plot.

  • cmap (Optional[matplotlib.colors.Colormap]) – The colormap to use for the heatmap. If this kwarg is not passed, will be used as a default.