Source code for lib5c.algorithms.variance.nbinom_dispersion

Module for estimating negative binomial dispersion parameters for 5C interaction

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
from scipy.special import digamma

from lib5c.util.distributions import convert_parameters

[docs]def dispersion_to_variance(disp, exp): """ Converts a dispersion estimate to a variance by applying it to the expected value via the relationship ``var = exp + disp * exp**2``. Parameters ---------- disp : float or np.ndarray The dispersion. exp : float or np.ndarray The expected value. Returns ------- float or np.ndarray The variance. """ return exp + disp * exp**2
[docs]def variance_to_dispersion(var, exp, min_disp=None): """ Converts a variance estimate to a dispersion estimate by reversing the relationship in ``dispersion_to_variance()``. Only defined for points where ``var > exp``. If ``var`` is the sample variance and ``exp`` is the sample mean, this is the equivalent to the method-of-moments estimate of the dispersion parameter. Parameters ---------- var : float or np.ndarray The variance. exp : float or np.ndarray The expected value. min_disp : float, optional Pass a value to enter a lenient mode where underdispersed points will be allowed, but will not be assigned a dispersion value from the statistical relationship. Underdispersed points will instead be assigned the ``min_disp`` value. Returns ------- float or np.ndarray The dispersion. """ if min_disp is None: assert np.all(var > exp) return (var - exp) / exp**2 else: idx_od = var > exp + 0.001 disp = np.tile(min_disp, var.shape) disp[idx_od] = variance_to_dispersion(var[idx_od], exp[idx_od]) return disp
[docs]def nb_pmf(k, m, alpha): """ The negative binomial PMF, parametrized in terms of a mean ``m`` and a dispersion ``alpha``. Parameters ---------- k : int or np.ndarray The observed value. m : float or np.ndarray The expected or mean value. alpha : float or np.ndarray The dispersion parameter. Returns ------- float or np.ndarray The value of the PMF. """ v = dispersion_to_variance(alpha, m) return stats.nbinom(*convert_parameters(m, v, stats.nbinom)).pmf(k)
[docs]def nb_nll(disp, obs, exp): """ The negative log likelihood of observed data ``obs`` given mean/expected value ``exp`` and dispersion parameter ``disp``. Parameters ---------- disp : float or np.ndarray The dispersion parameter. obs : int or np.ndarray The observed data. exp : float or np.ndarray The mean/expected value. Returns ------- float The negative log likelihood. """ return -np.sum(np.log(nb_pmf(obs, exp, disp)))
[docs]def nb_nll_derivative(disp, obs): """ Derivative of the negative binomial log-likelihood function with respect to the dispersion parameter, given observed data. This function is vectorized. Pass one dispersion and a vector of observed values to evaluate the derivative with just that one dispersion on the collection of all the observed values passed. Pass a vector of dispersions and a matrix of observed values to compute a vector of derivative evaluations, using the ``i`` th element of the dispersion vector and the ``i`` th row of the observed matrix to compute the ``i`` th derivative evaluation. Parameters ---------- disp : float or np.ndarray The negative binomial dispersion parameter. obs : np.ndarray The observed values. If ``disp`` is a vector, this should be a matrix whose number of rows equals the length of ``disp``. Returns ------- float or np.ndarray The derviative evaluation(s). """ n = float(obs.shape[-1]) disp = np.asarray(disp) if len(disp.shape) == 1: disp_wide = disp[:, np.newaxis] else: disp_wide = disp return np.sum(digamma(obs + 1 / disp_wide), axis=-1) - \ n * digamma(1 / disp) - n * np.log(1 + disp * np.sum(obs / n, axis=-1))