Source code for lib5c.algorithms.filtering.util

Module containing utility functions for filtering 5C interaction matrices.

[docs]def filter_selector(array, nearby_x, nearby_y): """ Create a list of dicts that describes the "neighborhood" around a point given an array of values and lists of the nearby entities along both the x- and y-axes. Parameters ---------- array : np.ndarray The array of values at each point in the region. nearby_x, nearby_y : List[Dict[str, int]] A list of nearby entities (bins or fragments) along the x- or y-axis, respectively, represented as dicts of the form:: { 'index': int, 'distance': int } where 'index' is the index of the entity within the region, and 'distance' is the distance from this entity to the query point in base pairs. A list of this form can be created by functions like ``find_nearby_bins()`` or ``find_nearby_fragments()``. Returns ------- """ return [{'index' : (i['index'], j['index']), 'value' : array[i['index'], j['index']], 'x_dist': i['distance'], 'y_dist': j['distance']} for i in nearby_x for j in nearby_y]