lib5c.plotters.curve_fits module

Module for plotting curves fitted to x-y graphs.

lib5c.plotters.curve_fits.plot_fit(x, y, fit, n_points=None, logx=True, logy=True, hexbin=True, colors=None, linewidth=4, xlim=None, ylim=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plots a fit over data.

  • y (x,) – The data points.
  • fit (function or np.ndarray or dict) – If a function is passed, it should return an estimate of y as a function of x. If an np.ndarray is passed, it should be parallel to x and should contain the estimate of y for each x value. Pass a dict of functions or np.ndarray to plot multiple estimates.
  • n_points (int, optional) – Pass an integer to subsample x with this many points when drawing the curve. Pass None to draw the curve using all values in x.
  • logy (logx,) – Log the x- and/or y-axis.
  • hexbin (bool) – Pass True to plot a hexbin plot instead of a scatterplot.
  • colors (dict) – If fit is a dict, pass a dict mapping the keys of fit to valid matplotlib colors to force the colors of the curves.
  • linewidth (float) – Line width to draw the fit with.
  • kwargs (kwargs) – Typical plotter kwargs.

The axis plotted on.

Return type:

pyplot axis


If both xlim and ylim are passed as kwargs and hexbin=True, this function will attempt to set the extent of the hexbin plot using the xlim and ylim.