lib5c.parsers.primer_names module

Module providing helper functions for working with primer naming conventions, necessary for parsing certain primerfiles.


The double alternating primer name parser.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the primer found in the appropriate column of the primer bedfile.
Returns:This dict has the following structure:
    'region': str,
    'number': int,
    'orientation': "3'" or "5'",
    'name': str

These fields are parsed from the primer name.

Return type:dict


You can write other name parsers to accommodate different primer naming conventions.


The default bin name parser.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the bin found in the appropriate column of the bin bedfile.
Returns:This dict has the following structure:
    'region': str,
    'index': int

These fields are parsed from the bin name.

Return type:dict


You can write other name parsers to accommodate different bin naming conventions.


The default primer name parser.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the primer found in the appropriate column of the primer bedfile.
Returns:This dict has the following structure:
    'region': str,
    'number': int,
    'name': str

These fields are parsed from the primer name.

Return type:dict


You can write other name parsers to accommodate different primer naming conventions.


Guesses the appropriate primer or bin name parser to use by looping through a list of possible parsers and testing if they work on a given primer name.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of a primer to use for testing.
Returns:The parser thought to be appropriate for this kind of primer name.
Return type:function