lib5c.operators.trimming module

class lib5c.operators.trimming.InteractionTrimmer(value_threshold_lower=None, value_threshold_upper=None, locus_percentage_threshold_lower=None, locus_percentage_threshold_upper=None, global_percentage_threshold_lower=None, global_percentage_threshold_upper=None, locus_fold_threshold_lower=None, locus_fold_threshold_upper=None, global_fold_threshold_lower=None, global_fold_threshold_upper=None)[source]

Bases: lib5c.operators.base.InteractionMatrixOperator

Operator for removing specific interactions from an InteractionMatrix object according to specified criteria by setting their values to np.nan.


If not None, interactions with values lower than this number will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, interactions with values higher than this number will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, this percentage of interactions at each locus with the lowest values will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, this percentage of interactions at each locus with the highest values will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, this percentage of interactions with the lowest values will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, this percentage of interactions with the highest values will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, interactions whose values are less than this many times the median value across either participating locus will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, interactions whose values are more than this many times the median value across either participating locus will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, interactions whose values are less than this many times the median value across all interactions will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, interactions whose values are more than this many times the median value across all interactions will be removed.

Type:float or None
apply_inplace(target, **kwargs)[source]

Apply the trimming operation to the target InteractionMatrix.

  • target (InteractionMatrix) – The InteractionMatrix object to trim.
  • kwargs (other keyword arguments) – To be utilized by subclasses.

The trimmed InteractionMatrix.

Return type:



>>> import numpy as np
>>> from lib5c.core.interactions import InteractionMatrix
>>> from lib5c.operators.trimming import InteractionTrimmer
>>> X = np.reshape(range(16), (4, 4)).astype(float)
>>> im = InteractionMatrix(X + X.T)
>>> print im
InteractionMatrix of size 4
[[ 0.  5. 10. 15.]
 [ 5. 10. 15. 20.]
 [10. 15. 20. 25.]
 [15. 20. 25. 30.]]
>>> trimmer = InteractionTrimmer(value_threshold_lower=5.0)
>>> print trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 4
[[nan nan 10. 15.]
[nan 10. 15. 20.]
[10. 15. 20. 25.]
[15. 20. 25. 30.]]
>>> trimmer = InteractionTrimmer(value_threshold_upper=25.0)
>>> print trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 4
[[ 0.  5. 10. 15.]
 [ 5. 10. 15. 20.]
 [10. 15. 20. nan]
 [15. 20. nan nan]]
>>> trimmer = InteractionTrimmer(locus_percentage_threshold_lower=25.0)
>>> print trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 4
[[nan nan nan nan]
 [nan 10. 15. 20.]
 [nan 15. 20. 25.]
 [nan 20. 25. 30.]]
>>> trimmer = InteractionTrimmer(locus_percentage_threshold_upper=75.0)
>>> print trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 4
[[ 0.  5. 10. nan]
 [ 5. 10. 15. nan]
 [10. 15. 20. nan]
 [nan nan nan nan]]
>>> trimmer = InteractionTrimmer(global_percentage_threshold_lower=25.0)
>>> print trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 4
[[nan nan nan 15.]
 [nan nan 15. 20.]
 [nan 15. 20. 25.]
 [15. 20. 25. 30.]]
>>> trimmer = InteractionTrimmer(global_percentage_threshold_upper=75.0)
>>> print trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 4
[[ 0.  5. 10. 15.]
 [ 5. 10. 15. nan]
 [10. 15. nan nan]
 [15. nan nan nan]]
>>> trimmer = InteractionTrimmer(locus_fold_threshold_lower=0.5)
>>> print trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 4
[[nan nan 10. 15.]
 [nan 10. 15. 20.]
 [10. 15. 20. 25.]
 [15. 20. 25. 30.]]
>>> trimmer = InteractionTrimmer(locus_fold_threshold_upper=2.0)
>>> print trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 4
[[ 0.  5. 10. nan]
 [ 5. 10. 15. 20.]
 [10. 15. 20. 25.]
 [nan 20. 25. 30.]]
>>> trimmer = InteractionTrimmer(global_fold_threshold_lower=0.25)
>>> print trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 4
[[nan  5. 10. 15.]
 [ 5. 10. 15. 20.]
 [10. 15. 20. 25.]
 [15. 20. 25. 30.]]
>>> trimmer = InteractionTrimmer(global_fold_threshold_upper=2.0)
>>> result = trimmer.apply(im)
>>> print result
InteractionMatrix of size 4
[[ 0.  5. 10. 15.]
 [ 5. 10. 15. 20.]
 [10. 15. 20. 25.]
 [15. 20. 25. nan]]
>>> result.print_log()
InteractionMatrix created
interactions trimmed with:
class lib5c.operators.trimming.LocusTrimmer(sum_threshold_upper=None, sum_threshold_lower=None, max_threshold=None, min_threshold=None, percentage_threshold_lower=None, percentage_threshold_upper=None, fold_threshold_upper=None, fold_threshold_lower=None)[source]

Bases: lib5c.operators.base.InteractionMatrixOperator

Operator for removing Loci from an InteractionMatrix object according to specified criteria.


If not None, Loci whose row sums are greater than this value will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, Loci whose row sums are less than this value will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, Loci containing at least one interaction above this value will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, Loci containing at least one interaction below this value will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, this percentage of of the Loci with the lowest row sums will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, this percentage of of the Loci with the highest row sums will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, Loci whose row sums are more than this many times the median row sum will be removed.

Type:float or None

If not None, Loci whose row sums are less than this many times the median row sum will be removed.

Type:float or None
apply_inplace(target, **kwargs)[source]

Apply the trimming operation to the target InteractionMatrix.

  • target (InteractionMatrix) – The InteractionMatrix object to trim.
  • kwargs (other keyword arguments) – To be utilized by subclasses.

The trimmed InteractionMatrix.

Return type:



>>> import numpy as np
>>> from lib5c.core.interactions import InteractionMatrix
>>> from lib5c.operators.trimming import LocusTrimmer
>>> X = np.reshape(range(16), (4, 4)).astype(float)
>>> im = InteractionMatrix(X + X.T)
>>> print im
InteractionMatrix of size 4
[[ 0.  5. 10. 15.]
 [ 5. 10. 15. 20.]
 [10. 15. 20. 25.]
 [15. 20. 25. 30.]]
>>> locus_trimmer = LocusTrimmer(sum_threshold_lower=35)
>>> print locus_trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 3
[[10. 15. 20.]
 [15. 20. 25.]
 [20. 25. 30.]]
>>> locus_trimmer = LocusTrimmer(percentage_threshold_lower=50.0)
>>> print locus_trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 2
[[20. 25.]
 [25. 30.]]
>>> locus_trimmer = LocusTrimmer(sum_threshold_upper=80.0)
>>> print locus_trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 3
[[ 0.  5. 10.]
 [ 5. 10. 15.]
 [10. 15. 20.]]
>>> locus_trimmer = LocusTrimmer(percentage_threshold_upper=50.0)
>>> print locus_trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 2
[[  0.   5.]
 [  5.  10.]]
>>> locus_trimmer = LocusTrimmer(min_threshold=0.0)
>>> print locus_trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 3
[[10. 15. 20.]
 [15. 20. 25.]
 [20. 25. 30.]]
>>> locus_trimmer = LocusTrimmer(max_threshold=30.0)
>>> print locus_trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 3
[[ 0.  5. 10.]
 [ 5. 10. 15.]
 [10. 15. 20.]]
>>> locus_trimmer = LocusTrimmer(fold_threshold_lower=0.5)
>>> print locus_trimmer.apply(im)
InteractionMatrix of size 3
[[10. 15. 20.]
 [15. 20. 25.]
 [20. 25. 30.]]
>>> locus_trimmer = LocusTrimmer(fold_threshold_upper=1.5)
>>> result = locus_trimmer.apply(im)
>>> result.print_log()
InteractionMatrix created
loci trimmed with:
deleted locus at index 3
>>> print result
InteractionMatrix of size 3
[[ 0.  5. 10.]
 [ 5. 10. 15.]
 [10. 15. 20.]]
>>> result = locus_trimmer.apply_inplace(im)
>>> im.print_log()
InteractionMatrix created
loci trimmed with:
deleted locus at index 3
>>> print im
InteractionMatrix of size 3
[[ 0.  5. 10.]
 [ 5. 10. 15.]
 [10. 15. 20.]]
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from lib5c.core.interactions import InteractionMatrix
>>> from lib5c.operators.trimming import LocusTrimmer
>>> from lib5c.core.loci import Locus, LocusMap
>>> locus_list = [Locus('chr3', 34109023, 34113109, region='Sox2'),
...               Locus('chr3', 34113147, 34116141, region='Sox2'),
...               Locus('chr3', 87282063, 87285636, region='Nestin'),
...               Locus('chr3', 87285637, 87295935, region='Nestin')]
>>> locus_map = LocusMap(locus_list)
>>> X = np.reshape(range(16), (4, 4)).astype(float)
>>> im = InteractionMatrix(X + X.T, locusmap=locus_map)
>>> im.matrix
matrix([[ 0.,  5., 10., 15.],
        [ 5., 10., 15., 20.],
        [10., 15., 20., 25.],
        [15., 20., 25., 30.]])
>>> locus_trimmer = LocusTrimmer(percentage_threshold_lower=50.0)
>>> result = locus_trimmer.apply_by_region(im)
>>> print result
InteractionMatrix of size 2
[[10.  0.]
 [ 0. 30.]]
Associated LocusMap:
LocusMap comprising 2 loci
    Range: chr3:34113147-34116141 to chr3:87285637-87295935
    Regions: ['Sox2', 'Nestin']
>>> result.print_log()
InteractionMatrix created
applying by region
extracted region Sox2
loci trimmed with:
deleted locus at index 0
done applying by region