Source code for lib5c.util.grouping

Module for constructing groups of points with particular properties.

import numpy as np

from lib5c.util.sampling import uniform_range_coverage_sample
from lib5c.util.counts import flatten_obs_and_exp, flatten_obs_and_exp_counts, \

[docs]def group_obs_by_exp(obs, exp, num_groups=100, group_fractional_tolerance=0.1, log=True, min_group_count=2, exclude_offdiagonals=5): """ Groups observed points according to their expected values. Parameters ---------- obs : np.ndarray or dict of np.ndarray Vector, matrix, or counts dict of observed values. exp : np.ndarray or dict of np.ndarray Vector, matrix, or counts dict of expected values. num_groups : int The number of groups to make. group_fractional_tolerance : float The width of each group, specified as a fractional tolerance in the expected value. log : bool Pass True to space the groups out logarithmically. min_group_count : int Discard groups that have fewer than this many values in them. exclude_offdiagonals : int If `obs` and `exp` are not already vectors, discard this many off-diagonals from their square matrices before flattening. Pass 0 to exclude only the exact diagonal, and pass -1 to exclude nothing. Returns ------- np.ndarray, list of np.ndarray The first array contains the expected values chosen as the centers of the groups. The list contains each group as an array of observed values. """ # distance filter and flatten if appropriate if type(exp) == dict and len(exp[exp.keys()[0]].shape) == 2: exp = distance_filter(exp, k=exclude_offdiagonals) obs, exp = flatten_obs_and_exp_counts(obs, exp) elif len(exp.shape) == 2: exp = distance_filter(exp, k=exclude_offdiagonals) obs, exp = flatten_obs_and_exp(obs, exp) # establish group centers exps = uniform_range_coverage_sample(exp, num_groups, log_space=log) # establish groups groups = [obs[np.abs(e - exp) / e < group_fractional_tolerance] for e in exps] # filter groups which are too small if min_group_count > 1: filtered_exps = [] filtered_groups = [] for i in range(len(exps)): if len(groups[i]) >= min_group_count: filtered_exps.append(exps[i]) filtered_groups.append(groups[i]) return np.array(filtered_exps), filtered_groups return exps, groups