Source code for

[docs]def add_pipeline_tool(parser): pipeline_parser = parser.add_parser( 'pipeline', prog='lib5c pipeline', help='run entire pipeline', ) pipeline_parser.add_argument( '-R', '--remote_scheduler', action='store_true', help='''Use a remote luigi scheduler instead of the local scheduler.''') pipeline_parser.add_argument( '-t', '--task_class', type=str, help='''Custom Task class defining the pipeline, in the form 'my_module.MyTask' where my_module is available on the PYTHONPATH.''') pipeline_parser.add_argument( '-d', '--task_directory', type=str, help='''Directory that the module containing the custom Task class resides in. This directory will be added to sys.path.''') pipeline_parser.add_argument( '-w', '--num_workers', type=int, default=1, help='''Set the number of workers to use. The default is 1.''') pipeline_parser.add_argument( '-l', '--log_level', type=str, choices=['NOTSET', 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL'], default='ERROR', help='''Set luigi's log level. Default is ERROR, which should at least provide a starting point if something breaks down.''') pipeline_parser.set_defaults(func=pipeline_tool)
[docs]def pipeline_tool(parser, args): import os import sys import luigi from lib5c.contrib.luigi.pipeline import PipelineTask from lib5c.contrib.luigi.config import drop_config_file if not os.path.exists('luigi.cfg'): print 'no luigi.cfg found in current directory' print 'dropping example luigi.cfg file...' drop_config_file() else: local_scheduler = not args.remote_scheduler cmdline_args = ['--workers', str(args.num_workers), '--log-level', args.log_level] if args.task_class is None: main_task_cls = PipelineTask, main_task_cls=main_task_cls, local_scheduler=local_scheduler) else: if args.task_directory is not None: sys.path.append(args.task_directory) mod, cls = args.task_class.rsplit('.', 1) cmdline_args.extend(['--module', mod, cls]), local_scheduler=local_scheduler)