Source code for lib5c.plotters.extendable.base_extendable_heatmap

Module for the BaseExtendableHeatmap class, which provides the basic
functionality of the extendable heatmap plotter.

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import colors
import seaborn as sns

from lib5c.plotters.colormaps import get_colormap
from lib5c.plotters.extendable import ExtendableFigure

[docs]class BaseExtendableHeatmap(ExtendableFigure): """ Minimal implementation of an ExtendableFigure organized around a contact frequency heatmap. The heatmap is plotted using ``plt.imshow()`` using data from the ``array`` attribute, colored using the other attributes, and the resulting axis is accessible at ``h['root']`` where ``h`` is the ExtendableHeatmap instance. New axes can be added to the margins of the heatmap by calling ``add_margin_ax()``. The axis of the new axis that is parallel to the heatmap will have its limits set to match the ``grange_x`` or ``grange_y`` attributes. This allows plotting features on the margin axes using genomic coordinates instead of having to convert to pixel coordinates. The root heatmap axis is still kept in units of pixels. To make drawing on this axis easier, this class provides ``transform_feature()``, which will transform a genomic feature dict into heatmap pixel units. Attributes ---------- array : np.ndarray Array of values to plot in the heatmap. Must be square. grange_x : dict The genomic range represented by the x-axis of this heatmap. The dict should have the form:: { 'chrom': str, 'start': int, 'end': int } grange_y : dict, optional The genomic range represented by the y-axis of this heatmap. If None, the heatmap is assumed to be symmetric. colorscale : tuple of float The (min, max) of the color range to plot the values in the array with. colormap : str or matplotlib colormap or dict of colors The colormap to use when drawing the heatmap. Strings will be passed to `lib5c.plotters.colormaps.get_colormap()`. If `array` contains strings, pass a dict mapping those strings to colors. norm : matplotlib.colors.Normalize, optional Pass an instance of ``matplotlib.colors.Normalize`` to apply this normalization to the heatmap and colorbar. """ def __init__(self, array, grange_x, grange_y=None, colorscale=None, colormap='obs', norm=None): super(BaseExtendableHeatmap, self).__init__() self.grange_x = grange_x self.grange_y = grange_y if grange_y is not None else grange_x self.categorical = str(array.dtype).startswith('|S') if self.categorical: keys = list(sorted(np.unique(array))) if colormap is None or type(colormap) == str: keys = list(sorted(set(keys) - {'', 'background'})) colormap = dict(zip(keys, sns.color_palette("husl", len(keys)))) colormap[''] = '#333333' colormap['background'] = '#333333' else: for key in keys: if key not in colormap: colormap[key] = '#333333' self.cmap = colors.ListedColormap( [colormap[k] for k in sorted(colormap.keys())]) self.color_keys = list(sorted(colormap.keys())) for k in self.color_keys: array = np.copy(array) array[array == k] = self.color_keys.index(k) array = array.astype(int) self.vmin = 0 self.vmax = len(self.color_keys) - 1 else: if colorscale is None: colorscale = (np.nanmin(array), np.nanmax(array)) self.vmin = colorscale[0] self.vmax = colorscale[1] self.cmap = get_colormap(colormap) if type(colormap) == str \ else colormap self.color_keys = None self.array = array = self['root'].imshow( self.array, interpolation='none', vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, cmap=self.cmap, extent=[0, len(array), len(array), 0], norm=norm) self.colorbar = None self['root'].autoscale(False) self['root'].get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) self['root'].get_yaxis().set_ticks([])
[docs] def add_colorbar(self, loc='right', size='10%', pad=0.1, new_ax_name='colorbar'): """ Adds a colorbar to the heatmap in a new axis. Parameters ---------- loc : {'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'} Which side of the heatmap to add the new colorbar to. size : str The size of the new axis as a percentage of the main heatmap width. Should be passed as a string ending in '%'. pad : float The padding to use between the existing parts of the figure and the newly added axis. new_ax_name : str A name for the new axis. The axis will be accessible as ``h[new_ax_name]`` where ``h`` is this ExtendableHeatmap instance. Returns ------- pyplot colorbar The newly added colorbar. """ self.add_ax(new_ax_name, loc, size, pad) self.colorbar = self.fig.colorbar(, cax=self.axes[new_ax_name]) if self.categorical: n = len(self.color_keys) self.colorbar.set_ticks((np.arange(n) + 0.5) * (n - 1) / float(n)) self.colorbar.set_ticklabels(self.color_keys) return self.colorbar
[docs] def add_margin_ax(self, loc='bottom', size='10%', pad=0.0, new_ax_name='new_h_axis', axis_limits=(0, 1)): """ Adds a new axis to the margin of this ExtendableHeatmap. Parameters ---------- loc : {'top', 'bottom', 'left', 'right'} Which side of the figure to add the new axis to. size : str The size of the new axis as a percentage of the main heatmap width. Should be passed as a string ending in '%'. pad : float The padding to use between the existing parts of the figure and the newly added axis. new_ax_name : str A name for the new axis. The axis will be accessible as ``h[new_ax_name]`` where ``h`` is this ExtendableHeatmap instance. Returns ------- pyplot axis The newly added axis. """ # create new axis ax = self.add_ax(new_ax_name, loc, size, pad) # force limits if loc in ['bottom', 'top']: ax.set_xlim([self.grange_x['start'], self.grange_x['end']]) if axis_limits is not None: ax.set_ylim(axis_limits) else: ax.set_ylim([self.grange_y['end'], self.grange_y['start']]) if axis_limits is not None: ax.set_xlim(axis_limits) # clean ticks or disable axis # ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) # ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.axis('off') return ax
[docs] def transform_coord(self, coord, axis='x'): """ Convenience function for transforming genomic coordinates to heatmap pixel coordinates along a specified axis. Parameters ---------- coord : int The genomic coordinate in base pairs. axis : {'x', 'y'} The axis to convert the coordinate for. Returns ------- float The ``coord`` expressed in heatmap pixel coordinates along the requested axis. """ grange = self.grange_x if axis == 'x' else self.grange_y return ((coord - grange['start']) * (len(self.array) / float(grange['end'] - grange['start'])))
[docs] def transform_feature(self, feature, axis='x'): """ Uses ``transform_coord()`` to transform an entire genomic feature dict to heatmap pixel coordinates. Parameters ---------- feature : dict Represents a genomic feature. Should have 'chrom', 'start', and 'end' keys. The values for 'start' and 'end' should be in base pair units. axis : {'x', 'y'} The axis to convert the feature for. Returns ------- dict Will have keys 'chrom', 'start', and 'end', but the values for 'start' and 'end' will now be in units of heatmap pixels along the specified axis. """ return { 'chrom': feature['chrom'], 'start': self.transform_coord(feature['start'], axis=axis), 'end' : self.transform_coord(feature['end'], axis=axis) }