Source code for lib5c.algorithms.variance.estimate_variance

import numpy as np

from lib5c.algorithms.variance.local import local_variance
from lib5c.algorithms.variance.deviation import deviation_variance
from lib5c.algorithms.variance.cross_rep import cross_rep_variance
from lib5c.algorithms.variance.mle import mle_variance
from lib5c.algorithms.variance.combined import cross_rep_plus_deviation_variance
from lib5c.algorithms.variance.lognorm_dispersion import \
    dispersion_to_variance as lognorm_disp_to_var
from lib5c.algorithms.variance.nbinom_dispersion import \
    dispersion_to_variance as nbinom_disp_to_var
from lib5c.util.counts import flatten_and_filter_counts, \
from lib5c.util.lowess import lowess_fit, group_fit, constant_fit

[docs]def estimate_variance(obs_counts, exp_counts, key_rep=None, model='lognorm', source='deviation', source_kwargs=None, fitter='lowess', fitter_agg='lowess', fitter_kwargs=None, x_unit='dist', y_unit='disp', logx=False, logy=False, min_disp=1e-8, min_obs=2, min_dist=6, regional=False): """ Convenience function for computing variance estimates. Parameters ---------- obs_counts : dict of np.ndarray or dict of dict of np.ndarray Counts dict of observed values (keys are region names, values are square symmetric matrices), or superdict (outer keys are replicate names, inner keys are region names, values are square symmetric matrices) if ``source='cross_rep'``. exp_counts : dict of np.ndarray Counts dict of expected values. key_rep : str If ``obs_counts`` is a dict of dict of np.ndarray, pass a string naming the specific replicate to compute variance estimates for. model : {'lognorm', 'loglogistic', 'nbinom', 'poisson'} Statistical model to use. source : {'local', 'cross_rep', 'deviation', 'mle'} Specify the source of the variance estimates. source_kwargs : dict Kwargs to pass through to the variance source function. fitter : {'constant', 'group', 'lowess', 'none'} Select fitting method to use for trend fitting. Pass 'none' to skip trend fitting and simply return unfiltered point-wise estimates. fitter_agg : {'median', 'mean', 'lowess'} If ``fitter`` is 'group' or 'constant', select what function to use to aggregate values (within groups for group fitting or across the whole dataset for constant fitting). fitter_kwargs : dict Kwargs to pass through to the fitting function. x_unit : {'dist', 'exp'} The x-unit to fit the variance relationship against. y_unit : {'disp', 'var'} The y-unit to fit the variance relationship against. When ``model='nbinom'``, "disp" refers to the negative binomial dispersion parameter. When ``model='lognorm'``, "disp" refers to the variance parameter of the normal distribution describing the logarithm of the observed counts. logx, logy : bool Pass True to fit the variance relationship on the scale of ``log(x)`` and/or ``log(y)``. min_disp : float When ``model='nbinom'``, this sets the minimum value of the negative binomial dispersion parameter. When ``model='lognormal'``, this sets the minimum value of the variance of logged observed counts. min_obs : float Points with observed values below this threshold in any replicate will be excluded from MLE estimation and relationship fitting. min_dist : int Points with interaction distances (in bin units) below this threshold will be excluded from MLE estimation and relationship fitting. regional : bool Pass True to perform MLE estimation and relationship fitting on a per-region basis. Returns ------- dict of np.ndarray The variance estimates as a counts dict. """ # short circuit for regional if regional: regions = exp_counts.keys() reshaped_obs = {region: {rep: {region: obs_counts[rep][region]} for rep in obs_counts.keys()} for region in regions} if source == 'cross_rep' \ else {region: {region: obs_counts[region]} for region in regions} reshaped_exp = {region: {region: exp_counts[region]} for region in regions} return { region: estimate_variance( reshaped_obs[region], reshaped_exp[region], key_rep=key_rep, model=model, source=source, source_kwargs=source_kwargs, fitter=fitter, fitter_agg=fitter_agg, fitter_kwargs=fitter_kwargs, x_unit=x_unit, y_unit=y_unit, logx=logx, logy=logy, min_disp=min_disp, min_obs=min_obs, min_dist=min_dist, regional=False)[region] for region in regions } # short circuit for poisson if model == 'poisson': return exp_counts # short circuit for MLE if source == 'mle': return mle_variance(obs_counts, exp_counts, model=model, min_obs=min_obs, min_dist=min_dist, **source_kwargs) # pixel-wise estimates var_fn = { 'local': local_variance, 'deviation': deviation_variance, 'cross_rep': cross_rep_variance, 'cross_rep_plus_deviation': cross_rep_plus_deviation_variance } args = (obs_counts, exp_counts) if source == 'deviation' \ else ({region: {rep: obs_counts[rep][region] for rep in obs_counts} for region in obs_counts.values()[0]},) if source == 'cross_rep'\ else ({region: {rep: obs_counts[rep][region] for rep in obs_counts} for region in obs_counts.values()[0]}, exp_counts, key_rep)\ if source == 'cross_rep_plus_deviation' else (obs_counts,) mean, disp, var, idx_od = \ var_fn[source](*args, model=model, min_disp=min_disp, **source_kwargs if source_kwargs else {}) # flatten and filter counts_types = { 'mean': mean, 'disp': disp, 'var': var, 'idx_od': idx_od, 'exp': exp_counts } min_filters = {'dist': min_dist, 'exp': 0.01} if 'cross_rep' in source: for rep in obs_counts: counts_types[rep] = obs_counts[rep] min_filters[rep] = min_obs else: counts_types['obs'] = obs_counts min_filters['obs'] = min_obs flattened_counts, idx, region_order = \ flatten_and_filter_counts(counts_types, min_filters=min_filters) # if no fitting was requested we're done if fitter == 'none': var = np.tile(np.nan, idx.shape) var[idx] = flattened_counts['var'] return unflatten_counts_from_list(var, region_order, exp_counts) # fit fit_fn = { 'group': group_fit, 'lowess': lowess_fit, 'constant': constant_fit } fitter_kwargs = fitter_kwargs if fitter_kwargs else {} if fitter in ['group', 'constant']: fitter_kwargs['agg'] = fitter_agg if fitter in ['group', 'lowess']: fitter_kwargs['left_boundary'] = 0 fit = fit_fn[fitter](flattened_counts[x_unit], flattened_counts[y_unit], logx=logx, logy=logy, **fitter_kwargs if fitter_kwargs else {}) # re-flatten, excluding mean, disp, var del counts_types['var'] del counts_types['disp'] del counts_types['mean'] flattened_counts, idx, region_order = \ flatten_and_filter_counts(counts_types, min_filters=min_filters) # apply fit and convert disp to var if necessary disp_to_var = { 'nbinom': nbinom_disp_to_var, 'lognorm': lognorm_disp_to_var, 'loglogistic': lognorm_disp_to_var } y_hat = fit(flattened_counts[x_unit]) var = np.tile(np.nan, idx.shape) if y_unit == 'disp' and model in disp_to_var: var[idx] = disp_to_var[model](y_hat, flattened_counts['exp']) else: # no implementation for conversion implies that disp = var # even if y_unit is disp var[idx] = y_hat return unflatten_counts_from_list(var, region_order, exp_counts)